
No it’s not the Wim Hof breath (it’s different)

Yesterday I spent most of the day looking at homes with my lady then I had to meal prep.


Which is all fine and good but it didn’t leave any time working out!


And while this may not be a problem for you, the Chewster doesn’t sleep too hot without some activity.


So a couple of hours before bed I performed a meditation that involved a lot of movement for 30 minutes followed by some deep breathing for 20 minutes. All guided by music.


Now when I talk about breathing, most people instantly say to me, “Oh yeah, like Wim Hof?” 

The Wim Hof style breathing is great, but it’s a charging (kicks on your sympathetic nervous system) breath. You do it before you do something crazy. . . like jump into a bath of ice. It’s not the best idea before a restful night of sleep.


Instead the breathing I’m talking about is a much slower breath that helps kick your body into a more relaxed state (parasympathetic dominant). I use this breath anytime I need to chill out. Either after hard training, if I feel anxiety or even if I get a bit angry. It settles me right down.


And because it’s been so useful to me I’ve included instructions for this type of breathing inside my Chewjitsu Vault with a couple of videos and a short ebook to walk you through.


(Click Here to join The Vault)


Talk to you tomorrow.



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