
Avoiding Street Fights Is A Powerful Part of BJJ Training

Today’s BJJ related question comes from a viewer who got into Brazilian Jiu-jitsu training because he backed down in a street fight situation because of fear.


Well recently he had a situation where someone was verbally aggressive with him. This leads into his question of whether or not all the BJJ training he is doing is a waste. Because while no fight happened, he’s wondering if he should have been more physical or verbally aggressive back at this other man.



In the video I describe the situation that took place and I give my personal take on the whole thing and self defense in general.


I also share my thoughts about using Brazilian Jiujitsu in a street fight situation and why it’s good thing to avoid them, and why BJJ gives you the powerful ability to avoid them if it can be avoided rather than becoming emotional and escalating the situation.


I also referenced a video on aggression.

You can watch that video here:
Hope you enjoyed video.


Thanks for watching.


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Hilarious Self Defense Video : BJJ needs more self-defense like this!

Below you’ll see a self defense video that displays a system which is hands down more effective than what is currently shown in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. After watching the video and it’s creative use of both fruits and vegetables. You’ll understand why Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and it’s emphasis on taking someone down, controlling their body and being able to render them unable to fight is yesterday’s news. From now on folks, we should be biting the cucumber.

Who knew that self defense could also be a way of improving your diet.

Self-defense vs Sport BJJ

It’s seems like the people that denounce and attack sport BJJ are those who are least involved with it. There is no issue with people focusing 100% on self-defense. If that is what someone wants to do, then go do that. But don’t discredit or vilify others and their accomplishments. When people do this it appears, at least on the surface, as if they are falling behind the times in BJJ. Instead of keeping current and continuing to evolve with the sport it’s simply easier to condemn it.

There is simply no reason to draw this line in the sand. Where more sport oriented people are on one side and self-defense on the other.

“So for me all jiu jitsu is just one, there is no divide.”

BJJ used in a self-defense situation

Today I watched a video that was posted of a guy using his BJJ in a self-defense situation on a basketball court. The video is a great example of BJJ being used as self-defense in a hand to hand situation. What I like best about the video is that it very closely resembles a roll on the mat, except of course for the punches. I think this is significant because I’ve seen people try to reinvent the wheel and demonstrate “self-defense” moves with elaborate punching blocks and throws. Many of which look cool, but are simply not effective nor based on reality in the fast paced, high stress situation of a fight. This video and similar videos, even the old Gracies in action videos are reminders of what fighting BJJ looks like.They demonstrate that very basic BJJ combined with control of space are the essentials to winning a fight in a hand to hand situation, not some crazy self-defense move. In the video you see the purple belt working to close the distance, establish dominant position and then submission. . . essentially what is done everyday in a good BJJ gym.

BJJ is a fighting art, first and foremost. It’s always important to remember that, and we don’t have to reinvent the wheel or stop doing sport BJJ competitions in order to apply our BJJ in a fight. We just need to understand how it works in relation to a fighting situation.


BJJ Black Belt using EFO techniques on his students

What happens when you put EFO techniques into the hands of a BJJ Black Belt? Watch and see.

Suit Roll video!

A little video of the suit rolling sessions from this week!