My podcast project is still going strong. I recently did an interview with Saulo Black belt Ben Eaton.
In this episode I talk with Saulo Ribeiro black belt, Ben Eaton, and get some of his insights and experiences in BJJ such as. . .
– Starting his training in the midwest without highly skilled instructors.
– Leaving his job as a full time police officer to pursue BJJ.
– Dealing with acl tear that put him on the shelf for nearly 7 months at a time when he felt like he was at the top of his game.
– Tips on how to deal with our egos and frustrations during training.
and a lot more.
Click here! to listen to the episode
Check out the podcast website at www.matwind.com
Also if you are interested in buying a Keiko gi, head over to www.KeikoUSA.com. Use the coupon code “MatWind” and save yourself %15 off your purchase.
I received a great response from the first episode of the podcast so I hope everyone enjoys this one!
As always, thanks for thanks for reading and thanks for listening!