
Nose is fixed



Well yesterday I had my surgery to fix my broken nose and now I am in the process of healing. Right now I feel worse than I did when I had the broken nose! This surgery stuff is rough.

The doc said I’ll be out for around 6 weeks before I am able to train again. Well, full rolling anyway. So in the meantime I am going to focus on my students and helping them improve. In addition to making them better I am going to focus on my lifting a bit while I have the downtime. I’m still bummed about missing out on the initial start to the tournament season, but I am actually really excited about being able to focus solely on my students.



Injuries suck

Being entrenched into BJJ as a lifestyle and training full time you kind of have to come to grips with a certain frequency of injuries. You know they’re coming but you don’t know where and when they will happen. Sometimes it’s just a finger after a gi break, or maybe it’s a knee during a scramble, who knows? I understand this, and the aches that move from section to section of my body, but never leave, are a reminder of this. But even though you know the injuries are coming, every now and then one hits at the worst possible time.  

I’m a little down in the dumps today because I found out that my little nose injury will be a little more than I thought it was going to be. I originally assumed it was going to be a quick snap back into place and voila! Instead I have to do a surgery. Minor albeit, but I still have to be put under. The kicker is that the healing time is going to be around 6 weeks or so, which really sucks considering I was preparing for Pans this year and that six week period is a lot of time away from hard rolling. Maybe lots of drilling and strength and conditioning will do the trick? We’ll see how things turn out, but it’s definitely bad timing! Plus I have several fighters getting ready for MMA fights and I hate not being able to push them and spar with them.

It’s pretty hard to make me a little depressed. I’m an overly positive, almost annoyingly so, person. But this definitely has me a little down today. Well, off to the weight room, at least I can do that for now.