
3 pillars of BJJ growth (how many are you missing?)


Think of a 3 legged stool.


Each leg supports the other and as soon as 1 is removed the stool will fall to the ground.


When it comes to BJJ I believe there are 3 areas that lead to you realizing your true potential. Consider them legs of the stool or pillars that you build upon.


In a lot of cases I see people developing 1 while leaving the other 2 largely untouched.


The 1st is Technical Development. 


Think of the positions and techniques you learn and drilling to build muscle memory.


Lack proper technical development and it’s like being in a pitch black room looking for something.


The 2nd is Physical Development. 


This is the way you develop your physical body. Your diet, strength training, stretching, recovery, etc.


Without continuing physical development and improvement you’ll end up like a car with no engine or fuel.


The 3rd is Mental Development. 


This is a little more abstract than the other two. But think of this as the development of courage, resilience, awareness and in some cases a level of detachment that contribute to your mindset.


Without development of your mindset it’ll be like having the most advanced fighter jet but without a good pilot to fly it.


When all three of these are in order with one another you have the potential to realize what your capable of but when one is missing it’s like the stool that falls over.


Over the next few days I’ll tell you more about these areas as well as something I believe can help you develop them.


I’ll talk to you tomorrow.
