Best Mouth Guard for BJJ Rolling & Hard Training
A question that I’ve been asked numerous times is “Which is the best mouth guards to use in BJJ.” I have used a ton of generic boil & bite mouth guards, but those aren’t really that great. They fall out easily and don’t stay stuck in during hard rolling sessions where I’m breathing heavy. Back […]
How To Use Reverse Half Guard for Subs and Guard Passing in BJJ
Got a question about how to play Reverse Half Guard (top), so today’s video will show you how and why I use the position in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. These ideas are fairly basic and fundamental BJJ. So, if you’re a white belt, no worries, this should be pretty easy to understand. That said, I’ve used these […]
Defending Leg Locks with No Hands & Ice Baths in The Rain
Today’s video is a kind of “fly-on-the-wall” vlog taking you through part of my morning. It starts with breakfast, BJJ training (which includes some leg lock situational rolling) and an ice bath. Fridays are usually one of my slower days of the week and this is my usual Friday routine. The only thing missing is […]