This BJJ White Belt had An “A-HA” Moment During Rolling
I got a question about how to take techniques you’re learning and transfer them to rolling faster. And in this message I also got a second question about experiencing what I call “A-HA” moment during BJJ training. Because Anthony says he was rolling in his Brazilian Jiujitsu class and was so effective and he’s never […]
Sneaky Ankle Lock Finish When They Grab Your Gi to Defend
Finishing a Straight Ankle Lock in the Gi can be tricky. The handles created by the lapels and grips can make it very hard to fully extend and finish the leg lock once you have a snag on the ankle itself. This is the BJJ technique question I got from our buddy Brian G. I […]
Are Wrist Locks in BJJ Legit or a Dirty Cheater Technique?
Are wrist locks a dirty submissions? Are they cheating? If you use them are you doing something wrong within the typical rules or culture of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu? This is the question I received from Kevin recently. Kevin comes from a traditional martial arts background where he learned a lot of wrist locks and he wants […]