Training BJJ This Way Helps Me Avoid Injuries & Win More Competitions

In today’s BJJ Q&A video I answer a question from a Brazilian Jiu-jitsu practitioner who’s been called “Too Soft” by his coach. Now, Jacob, says that even though his coach says this he’s still won numerous tournaments and does well in the BJJ gym during training. And so he was curious about my thoughts on […]

Is a Brown Belt in Judo a Sandbagging BJJ White Belt ?

Today’s video comes from a 6 month BJJ White Belt who’s also a Judo Brown Belt. He’s loving his beginning in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and has plenty to work on with the ground game. He recently had an experience where he was called a sandbagger by someone at another gym during an open mat. I’ll get […]

This Technique Might Be Killing Your Half Guard (Here’s 2 Counters)

Every position in BJJ has weaknesses and strengths. Also, some techniques work very well against certain positions. The back step for instance is a great technique versus a half guard. And this is the focus of today’s BJJ technique video. The question comes from one of the viewers who’s half guard is getting destroyed by […]

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