These BJJ players are B*tching Out

In today’s BJJ Q&A video I answer a question about a Blue Belt who is smashing people in side control. The question comes from a guy who is a higher belt in his Brazilian Jiu-jitsu gym and has recently seen a Blue Belt smashing people in side control. And once he gets there he doesn’t […]

New Series Coming: Basic Techniques I Use As A Black Belt

Just wanted to let you guys know I’ll be doing a new series on the channel showing some of my most basic techniques that I actually use in competition and high level rolling successfully. The upcoming videos will be longer as I’m going to go deep into the details that make them work. But I […]

Take Your BJJ Stack Pass to the Next Level with These Details (Gi & No Gi)

If you’re like most BJJ practitioners, you learned some form of a stack pass very early on as a White Belt. And for good reason. It’s a strong guard pass that puts a lot of pressure on your opponent. But like many of the Brazilian Jiu-jitsu techniques we learn early on many people exchange the […]

Focused Jiu-jitsu Ebook

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