My Best BJJ Students Share This Attitude Towards Belt Promotions
In today’s BJJ Q&A video I share a quality that all of my best BJJ students share. I’m doing this in response to a question I received from a White Belt who’s been training for BJJ and is ready to quit because he’s not getting promoted. Now obviously, this isn’t a great mindset. So I […]
How To Add Smashing Top Pressure & Maximize Your Bodyweight in BJJ
Adding more top pressure in BJJ is something everyone wants to do, right? So, in this video I’m going to show a simple way to do it. When I watch some of my less experienced Brazilian Jiu-jitsu students in top positions, I notice they sometimes don’t maximize their bodyweight. Meaning, they have a lot of […]
Stop Trying to Remember Techniques as a BJJ White Belt
Ever struggle with remembering Brazilian Jiu-jitsu techniques? If you’re like most of us, then I’m sure you have. Especially early on. And this is the main topic for today’s question that comes from Sarah who’s a White Belt and can’t seem to remember all the techniques from her BJJ Classes. So, in the video I […]