Most common worry about starting BJJ training

  One common, probably the most common, worry I get from people who are trying out their first class or who are thinking about trying their first class, is that they don’t want to “get in the way.” These people are fully aware of how green they are and don’t want to impede someone else’s […]

Quote from BJJ Brick Podcast

Haratio Nelson – “The measure may be thought bold, but I am of the opinion the boldest are the safest” Bold – (of a person, action, or idea) showing an ability to take risks; confident and courageous.   I recently did an interview with Byron with the BJJBrick Podcast. The interview was fun, although I’m […]

Wrestling Front Headlock for BJJ

A solid fundamental wrestling technique that carries over to BJJ very well. The Front Headlock can be used for its main purpose which is to stop the takedown but there are also lots of attacks that can be chained together with this technique. The Front Headlock is also pretty easy to pick up and add […]

Focused Jiu-jitsu Ebook

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