The Sports Gene
At the recommendation of Aiseop’s blog at I started reading and listening to The Sports Gene by David Epstein. You can check out the book at The book goes into the factors of athletic performance. Both environmental and ,as the title would suggest, genetic factors. While the book doesn’t intend to debunk […]
How I got my nickname of Chewy
A really common question I get, probably the most common, is where I got my nickname. Most people who meet me ask if it was because I was really strong, or maybe I was exceptionally hairy or maybe it was some sort of Star Wars reference. To all these I have to say “No.”
My favorite part of BJJ training
These last few weeks have been a lot of fun. Myself and all of the guys getting ready for the Atlanta Open have been pushing the intensity up on the mat as well as rolling longer and longer. There is a group of about 12 of us who are consistently coming in for extra hard […]