Brazilian Jiu-jitsu questions from White Belts

Brazilian Jiu-jitsu questions from white belts. The following questions are from white belts at my gym. If you have any of these questions yourself I hope the post is helpful. 1. How do you learn a move or submission you’ve been obsessing over well enough so that you can use it during rolling? Drill it! […]

Will I lose strength if I cut weight?

Will I lose strength if I cut weight? One of my students recently asked a great question concerning his weight. Basically, he is the strongest he’s been in 15 years and is around 235lbs. Once football season is over (which means less beer), he plans to slim down to around 205lbs. His worry is that […]

Flower Sweep To Armbar From Full Guard

So I showed this armbar to my students one day and they loved the move. At first glance the technique might look a little fancy since you’re spinning around the arm. But I assure you, as I did my students, I’m a caveman. My jiujitsu is simple and if I can do it, you can […]

Focused Jiu-jitsu Ebook

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