Hilarious Self Defense Video : BJJ needs more self-defense like this!

Below you’ll see a self defense video that displays a system which is hands down more effective than what is currently shown in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. After watching the video and it’s creative use of both fruits and vegetables. You’ll understand why Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and it’s emphasis on taking someone down, controlling their body and being […]

Why I quit MMA

Whenever a newer student comes into the gym they’ve often done a good deal of homework. They’ve checked out our website, read our blogs and watched our videos on Youtube. With that, these new students have often watched several of my MMA fights. Once they make it to the gym they often ask whether or […]

My first Black Belt win at the Pans

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72xzTaKZCTU&w=560&h=315] This was my first Black Belt win at the IBJJF Pans in 2013. I was super shaky early on in this match. I could definitely tell I had some nerves. But that’s just how it is in BJJ sometimes right? Fun side story about this match. The blue gi I am wearing was […]

Focused Jiu-jitsu Ebook

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