Half Guard Sweep And Back Take (Chewjitsu Open Mat)
Half Guard Sweep And Back Take Half guard is by far one of my favorite positions. Recently we were going over a series from Half Guard. This video is a little different than the usual technique videos. This one was recorded during my classes while I was teaching my students. In the video I show: […]
4 Tips To Deal With BJJ Tournament Anxiety (video)
4 Tips To Deal With BJJ Tournament Anxiety (video) I had a post a while ago talking about how to deal with BJJ tournament anxiety. I know it’s something that many people find difficult dealing with (here’s the original blog ). BJJ tournament anxiety is something everyone deals with in their own way. Even the […]
Fake Black Belts : Should We Get Angry?
Fake Black Belts : Should We Get Angry? This whole fake black belt (and now red belt) nonsense is becoming almost comical. It’s so common that I almost feel like I need to reference the stories on Snopes to see if they’re legit. Sadly they are legitimate stories about not so legitimate people. But […]