11 Solo BJJ Drills W/ Stability Ball (Guard Passing And Hips)

11 Solo BJJ Drills W/ Stability Ball (Guard Passing And Hips) Solo BJJ drills are no replacement for drills with a partner. But solo BJJ drills can be a great way to get some movement in when a partner is not available. Maybe when you’re at home or unable to make it to the gym. […]

Cardio Workout With Bad Knees For BJJ Competitions

Cardio Workout With Bad Knees For BJJ Competitions My favorite piece of cardio equipment when I’m getting ready for BJJ competitions is the airdyne bike. If used properly, it can get you a great cardio workout for BJJ (or any sport) even if you have bad knees. I bring up the bad knees part because I received […]

4 BJJ Leg Lock Drills (Continuous Movement For Both People )

4 BJJ Leg Lock Drills (Continuous Movement For Both People ) In this video I show 4 BJJ leg lock drills you can use to help build better movement in leg lock positions. The drills are continuous. Meaning they don’t stop. This is a great way to drill to develop faster movement and get a […]

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