What to Focus On as a New BJJ White Belt with No Submissions
When you first start as a new BJJ White Belt, it can be overwhelming. There is so much going. It can be overwhelming and somewhat confusing about where to start. I experienced this issue when I began training. And it is a question one of my new White Belts named Taylor recently asked me about. […]
Quitting BJJ Because It’s Hard? (What Did You Expect)
Have you ever been frustrated and contemplated quitting BJJ? This is a situation a buddy of mine, Mike (who is a coach), is having with one of his students. In the situation. There are two BJJ White Belt students. In the video I’e attached, I call them Student A and Student B. Both have about […]
The Chewjitsu Grey Gi Order Has Started!
Be a part of the 100 and get a Custom Grey Chewjitsu Gi! I’ve been talking about this order for a while on my YouTube Channel and it’s finally here! I’m super excited about this! My students and I have been rocking the Grey and Black Gis for over a year and we love them. […]