Won her BJJ match in 2 minutes

BJJ Matches Are Won in 2 Minutes

2 days a week training

Is Training BJJ 2 Days a Week is a Waste of Time ?

If you’re a father, mother, student or maybe someone working 60 hours a week who can only train BJJ 2 days a week. Is it even worth it? Can you get better at BJJ training on only 2 days a week, or are you wasting your time?   This is a Brazilian Jiu-jitsu question I […]

BJJ Motivation

Overcome Lack of Motivation for BJJ Training

Do you ever lack motivation for BJJ training? If so, how do you overcome it?   What keeps you motivated?   I recently received a couple of BJJ motivation questions related to motivation for training. 1 from Zach, a BJJ Blue Belt who is having some of the Blue Belt blues and is lacking motivation […]

Focused Jiu-jitsu Ebook

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