1 Way I Used BJJ Videos from White – Brown Belt (Free Video)
One of the most helpful things for my abilities in BJJ. . .was finding someone to model after. I did this a lot from White – Brown Belt! And I did this by watching BJJ videos! I would typically search for BJJ videos with someone of a similar body type. . . […]
Can You Train BJJ With a Knee Injury ?
Can You Train When You’re Injured ? We’ve all been there before. Training is going well. . . and then BAM. . . you get injured. And a knee injury can be one of the worst. So what do you do when you’re injured? How do you still train and progress? […]
In BJJ Competitions, You’ve Got to Play Your Game
I hate running late for BJJ Competitions! But it happened yesterday. After a wreck slowed traffic to a halt and a needed bathroom stop. I finally made it up to Indy for the competition. And almost as soon as I walked in, I was told that one of our women, Brittany, would be up […]