Cutting Weight for BJJ Competitions Hurts Performance
People often hear about how much others will shed weight prior to matches and MMA fights. And so they often think that they NEED to cut weight for competitions and tournaments.
Shannon who is a 4 stripe Blue Belt is getting ready for a local BJJ tournament in 5 weeks.
And she is on the cusp of 2 different weight classes. At this local BJJ tournament there is a 141 weight class and a 152 weight class. And her walking weight is 146.
This is with her training Brazilian Jiu-jitsu 6 days a week, eating well and feeling high levels of energy!
So she is signed up for the higher weight class for the Brazilian Jiujitsu competition and is wondering if it’s even worth it cut the weight.
Because she is so close to either or, honestly if she knows how to cut weight. She’d be find for her matches.
No Stranger to Cutting Weight

Getting an IV after cutting weight for an MMA fight.
During many of my early BJJ competitions and all of my MMA fights. I cut anywhere from 6-20+lbs.
In the picture of me in the grey shirt. I’m receiving an IV following a weigh in.
I weighed in at 184.9 and the next day fought at 204.
In the picture below I was fighting at 205lbs. During that even I weighed in at 201lbs. This was because the scale that I used at a local weight lifting gym (that had a sauna) purposely altered their scales to be heavy in order to make guys feel like they were making gains. . .
I know right?
So I cut extra weight accidentally.
By Monday follow the fight I was up to around 230lbs.
Should You Cut Weight for BJJ Competitions
But in this video I touch on some basic ideas why I would encourage her NOT to cut weight for her upcoming BJJ competition.
One of the big reasons is that if she starts to shed some pounds while she is in the process of upping her training volume. This can lead to a lot of negative effects.
Think about the inverse relationship. When we are training for a Brazilian Jiu-jitsu competition our volume in training and intensity is going up! But if we are busy shedding pounds. We are then reducing the fuel our body has to make these things happen.
I also touch on a few other topics.
If you’re in a similar situation. I hope the video helps!
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.