Harness Your Aggressive Side in BJJ Like a Spartan King

In today’s BJJ Q&A video I answer a question from Matt who says he fails to turn up the intensity in BJJ training and gets beat by people who aren’t as large, athletic or technical experienced as him.

He wants to be nice to his training partners in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and has trouble tapping into the tougher side of himself. He also feels bad applying knee on belly or heavy pressure to people. ​​

He’s a BJJ Blue Belt now and becoming more aggressive has been one of his main focuses since White Belt.

So I share some ideas to hopefully help him with his aggression dilemma. If you’re in a similar situation then I hope it helps you too.


P.S If you’d like to check out the Gates of Fir book I mentioned then click the link below:



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Intro/Outtro Music : https://bknapp.bandcamp.com

If you’d ever like to train with the team and I, Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.

How To Transform Your Sloppy Choke into a Tight Strangle

When you watch a good grappler in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu or MMA. You’ll sometimes notice that they seem to let go of a submission or technique even though it looks like it’s there.

Like a choke for example. There are numerous BJJ matches and fights I’ve watched where the grappler seems like they had a choke / strangle technique sunk in but for some reason they let it go.

This is because they could feel that it wasn’t quite right. And this is why in BJJ, grappling and pretty much any fighting sport. You’re always searching for the right feeling of a technique or movement. Because in the heat of the moment you’re not going to be able to determine whether or not it’s correct by looking at all the little details. You just don’t have time.

Instead, you’ll know it’s on by having an intuitive feel of if it’s sunk in correctly or not.

In the video I’ll explain a situation where you can develop this feeling with chokes in BJJ. This will help you transform sloppy chokes that borderline on neck cranks into tight strangles.

Hope the video helps!



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T shirts: https://www.chewjitsu.net/shop/




Intro/Outtro Music : https://bknapp.bandcamp.com

If you’d ever like to train with the team and I, Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.

Improve Your BJJ Techniques Faster by Rolling like Rickson Gracie

Recently on the Chewjitsu Podcast we had Rickson Gracie Black Belt Henry Akins on. You can listen to the podcast in full using the link below.


During the podcast there were several amazing nuggets of information about training practices and techniques. 1 of which is something I do all the time, force my students to do and is something Henry said Rickson would do all the time.

This particular style of rolling is a great way to boost creativity with technique and further develop your own systems of BJJ. And I believe if you roll like the way I explain in the view you’ll improve your BJJ techniques faster as there is focus to your training.

Hopefully after watching the video you’ll understand what I mean and have some ideas for your own training.



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Intro/Outtro Music : https://bknapp.bandcamp.com

If you’d ever like to train with the team and I, Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.

The Depressing Side to Achieving Your Goals in BJJ

There is a danger to achieving your goals in BJJ or any endeavor you find yourself in. And that’s what we’re going to focus on for today’s video.

The question asker is Nina who says she’s in a situation where she’s accomplished several goals she had and now she’s in a situation where she lacks the same motivation and drive she used to have.

Her question to me is how can she get that drive back in her life and Brazilian Jiu-jitsu training. So in this video I’ll explain the natural rhythm we all experience as we accomplish our goals and the process around that.

If you’re experiencing a loss of motivation and focus after hitting a big goal I hope this video helps!



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T shirts: https://www.chewjitsu.net/shop/




Intro/Outtro Music : https://bknapp.bandcamp.com

If you’d ever like to train with the team and I, Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.

rolling with coach

Common BJJ White Belt Mistake when Rolling with Coaches

In today’s video I answer a question from Asa (a BJJ White Belt) who’s struggling to roll with his Black Belt coach.

In the video I’ll explain the mistake he’s making when he’s rolling with his coach. It’s a mistake I believe we’ve all made at some point or another. And this mistake is trying to impress our coaches by rolling really well or trying to impress them. I’ll explain why this is a mistake in the video.

And if you’re a White Belt in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu I hope this video makes sense and helps you with your training if you ever roll with your coach.



Free Ebook: https://www.chewjitsu.net/focused-jiu-…

Video Courses and Products: https://www.chewjitsu.net/products

T shirts: https://www.chewjitsu.net/shop/




Intro/Outtro Music : https://bknapp.bandcamp.com

If you’d ever like to train with the team and I, Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.

How To Finish More Chokes in BJJ with this Unconventional Back Mount

In today’s video we’re going to break a few rules and get more submissions from Back Mount in BJJ. This video was inspired by watching UFC fighter Joe Solecki in his Fury Pro Grappling match against Donald Cerrone.

In the match he opted for 2 choking arms to secure the submission. This is 1 of my favorite ways to play Back Mount in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu.

Now I said it breaks some rules because some people will say you always have to have an underhand for control. But I’ve had so many experiences where the double choking arm style has been way more successful for me.

Check it out and I hope it helps you with your BJJ training or competitions.



Free Ebook: https://www.chewjitsu.net/focused-jiu-…

Video Courses and Products: https://www.chewjitsu.net/products

T shirts: https://www.chewjitsu.net/shop/




Intro/Outtro Music : https://bknapp.bandcamp.com

If you’d ever like to train with the team and I, Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.

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Versatile BJJ Armlock to Counter Opponents Who Crowd Your Full Guard

Today’s BJJ technique video is from one of my Brazilian Jiu-jitsu classes where I showed one of my favorite setups and armlocks from Full Guard / Closed Guard.

The focus of the setup is to get the person’s hand on the mat or on the outside of your body which will allow you to snag the arm and get a catch on the shoulder. From there I show a straight armlock and then transition to corkscrew armbar.
And even if you don’t like the techniques shown you can still use the setup for lots of submissions and attacks from full guard.
Hope the video gives you a useful idea to bring into your next training session. And hopefully it helps you secure an extra arm lock or two.
Video Courses and Products: https://www.chewjitsu.net/products
Intro/Outtro Music : https://bknapp.bandcamp.com
If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
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Effective Stretches to Fix Tight Hips for BJJ & Improve Guard Retention

Today’s video is a series of stretches I like using after BJJ training to help improve recovery from hard rolling sessions and improve guard retention abilities.

I started doing these back in 2020 to loosen up my hips while I had some free time away from the gym. I’m a person who’s not the most flexible. And by doing these stretches on a regular basis I found my hips became more flexible, my guard retention improved and I believe they help with my recovery after training.

I’m sharing them with you because I find a lot of people who come in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu classes have super tight hips. Tight hips are a problem in BJJ for a lot of reasons. And being effective off of your back is one of them.

So in the video I’ll show you the stretches and explain why I use them during.

Hope the video and the stretches help you!



Free Ebook: https://www.chewjitsu.net/focused-jiu-…

Video Courses and Products: https://www.chewjitsu.net/products

T shirts: https://www.chewjitsu.net/shop/




Intro/Outtro Music : https://bknapp.bandcamp.com


If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.

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This Happens When The BJJ Myth meets The Reality of Rolling

Today’s BJJ question comes from a young jacked guy who said he’s doing really well but experiencing a problem. That problem being that some of the guys he’s beating make excuses about his strength.

This is a common problem in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu where people have been conditioned to believe that technique is all that matters. And then when they run into a strong or athletic person they realize it’s not the case. That strength and athleticism plays a huge role.

In the video I answer his question and address why his more experienced teammates are so frustrated. And why it’s more to do with the person than it is with him.

If you’re in a similar situation with your training partner then I hope this video helps!



Free Ebook: https://www.chewjitsu.net/focused-jiu-…

Video Courses and Products: https://www.chewjitsu.net/products

T shirts: https://www.chewjitsu.net/shop/




Intro/Outtro Music : https://bknapp.bandcamp.com

If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.

guard sweep 2

5 Open Guard Sweeps Every BJJ White Belt Should Learn As Early As Possible

I recently did a video title: 4 Full Guard Sweeps Every BJJ White Belt Should Learn As Early As Possible. It was fairly popular and several people asked for some open guard sweeps as well.

So in today’s video I’m going to show you 5 different BJJ sweeps from 5 different open guards that even a beginner or White Belt can use. I say this because I learned all of these sweeps as a beginner. And I teach them to my students who are newer with lots of success. I can also say that I’ve used every one of these sweeps in rolling or competition against Black Belts as well, so they’re effective at any level.

Hopefully after watching you’ll have some extra ideas on open guard options in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu.

Oh and if you’d like to watch the original video I did from full guard.

You can check it out at the link below.




Free Ebook: https://www.chewjitsu.net/focused-jiu-…

Video Courses and Products: https://www.chewjitsu.net/products

T shirts: https://www.chewjitsu.net/shop/




Intro/Outtro Music : https://bknapp.bandcamp.com

If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.