chewy coming for you

Some BJJ coaches would see this as disrespectful (Here’s why I don’t)

Today’s BJJ video comes from a recent situation inside my gym. I share it because the core of what’s going on is something that helped me over the years with motivation and my ability to track my overall progress (which can be tough to do in BJJ).

Now it’s going to seem maybe slightly disrespectful to some and it might go against some of the motivational type stuff you’ve heard in the past. But I can tell you from my experience, from those of others and from countless biographies I’ve consumed. It’s a great tip for motivation and tracking your overall progress.

Hope the tip helps!



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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.

Young MMA fighter wants to know the best job for training full time

Question today from a young lad who’s wanting to pursue a martial arts based career. . .

Here’s the question.


Hey Chewy, I’m a fan from the UK, BJJ blue belt and amateur MMA fighter looking to turn pro in the future. I was wondering if you had any advice for the best jobs to work to support the training necessary for getting to a high level in jiu jitsu and MMA respectively (i.e. twice a day). What kinds of jobs best support this lifestyle and how did you balance work and training when you were coming up? Really appreciate the time and love all your stuff!


Thanks for the question Henry.

Someone asked me the other day what BJJ and martial arts in general have taught me. And 1 of the most important lessons I’ve learned and really come to understand from BJJ, Wrestling, Boxing and MMA is this.

Knowing my priorities and staying focused on them even when I’m told they aren’t the correct thing to do.

Priorities are important but most people don’t give them much thought. People really never separate what are their own desires vs what’s been pressed upon them by society.

When I was younger I avoided doing a lot of the things my other friends were doing (getting credit cards, partying, buying brand new cars, buying expensive clothes, etc). I even turned down a high paying job because it interfered with my training.

Now to some this would seem a bare existence that they wouldn’t want. And that’s ok. It’s what I wanted. Big emphasis on the “I” there.

Now, I’ll admit, for a time I broke this focus and bought into all the material trappings that I was told I “should” want and with almost immediate regret went into reverse to get away from them to get back to “MY” mission.

Nowadays, I’m blessed, I make a good living doing BJJ and running a business. My vision didn’t play out exactly how I thought it would. In fact, it’s worked out even better than I imagined. And this happened because I kept my focus on what was important to me.

Rolling back around to you my British friend.

I think the type of job you do is less important than you maintaining your training priorities above all else. If it’s what you really want.

This means you might skip a better paying job because another one has a better schedule for training or avoid certain relationships because it interferes with your goals. You might wear cheap clothes and drive around in a beater of a car for a while. (I did all these things)

Oh and be prepared for people to try and cut you down and tell you you’re an idiot for chasing such a far-fetched goal (I know this all too well). But if it’s what you want, stay the course and be focused.

And this goes for anyone who has some goal that they want.

If you’re one of those people who has a goal that you’re chasing after that people don’t quite understand. That’s ok. Stay focused and let the results later speak for themselves.

And here’s something else.

Even if you fail. The simple act of chasing after something will make you a stronger person with qualities that can aid you should you have to pivot into something different later on.

Hope that helps give you something to chew on for today.

Talk to you tomorrow.


Oh and just a heads up. I’ll be in Florida doing a couple of seminars in March. If you’re interested check the details on the link below.

The useful books I read (and reread) before bed

One of my night time rituals is reading.

I tend to turn my phone off a couple of hours before bed and start my winding down process.

And reading is a big part of that.

In particular I like ending my day with some thought to help me move into the next day.

With that said, on the table next to my bed there are a pile of books like Meditations, The Enchiridion, Emerson’s essays, some of Thoreau’s work and so on.

Now I’ve read and reread all of these books and essays plenty of times.

But I find that every time I read them I see something new.

Now the ink had already stained the paper when I first read the book. But I either wasn’t ready for the information or was just in a different place in my life where the information didn’t stand out as much.

And this is honestly how BJJ instructionals, youtube videos and any informational courses are.

You can’t just go through them once. It’s not enough. You’ve got to go over them again and again.

Hell, it’s the same with techniques in my gym. I’ve had Purple Belts tell me how a technique I showed really stuck with them. . . even though I know I had been showing them the same technique since they were White Belts.

So whether you’re a loyal youtube follow, podcast listener or have purchased a course or two on my website at

Don’t expect the information to work or make complete sense the 1st time through.

Be willing to put in a few viewing and studying reps. And be willing to come back to the information later on as you improve and progress.

I imagine it’ll be similar to the way I am with my reading and studying. You’ll see new things that were always there, but that you missed the 1st time around.

Just a few ideas to chew on for the day.

Talk to you tomorrow.


How to Balance Life and BJJ Training (Why I’m The Worst Person To Ask)

Today’s question is balancing life off the mats with our BJJ training on the mats. This can be a bit of a struggle as we all have busy lives that take away from our Brazilian Jiu-jitsu training. But, warning, instead of giving tips on how to maintain “perfect balance” in life and on the mats. Instead I share an idea of why being a bit unbalanced can be a good thing (if done right). This comes from the idea that balance isn’t how things get done.

Now keep in mind this comes from my own experience. So mileage may vary for you. But for me the information in this video has been incredibly helpful for being able to get things done and continue training for years. Even before I was a Brazilian Jiu-jitsu coach.

And I say that because like our techniques. What works for me may not work perfectly for you and you will probably have to adjust things a bit.

But if you’re struggling with BJJ and life balance then I hope this video is useful to you.



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bjj video pic

Why You Should Watch BJJ Videos Like Your Favorite Netflix Movie

With the endless number of BJJ technique videos out there. How useful are they for your live training when you get to the gym? This is the question from Amir who wants to know how valuable videos are for his Brazilian Jiu-jitsu training.

In this video I give some ideas to consider both from my experience as a coach teaching students and even from my experience as a student who used videos to improve (this one is a story about me as a BJJ White Belt watching videos to hit a slick armbar in training.)

All of this is to explain that BJJ videos (technique or otherwise) can help increase your overall BJJ IQ and help you learn inside your gym faster. Another idea I picked up from a great courses lecture is about how watching videos and even doing mental reps could help you do real physical reps better later on.

Anyways, hopefully the information in the video will give you some useful ideas to chew on for your own Brazilian Jiujitsu training.

Thanks for watching!
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.

Failure email pic

I’m a big pile of steaming hot failures

Was dabbling around on Instagram yesterday responded to a young guy.


He said,


“Why do people get caught up on if they get tapped in practice lol that’s the point”


Now it’s easy to wag the finger at someone who’s struggling with failure. But we all go through it at some point don’t we? I know I sure as hell did.


My response to this message was . . .


Because we are conditioned to believe that if we aren’t successful at something then it was a waste. 


But success is usually built upon a pile of failures.  


And this is an important lesson on and off the mats.


Now perhaps you have a better track record than the Chewster and success has just come effortlessly to you. But it didn’t for me.


I didn’t get serious about the business side of running a gym till the gym almost folded back in 2010. It was a nice smack in the face to wake me up.


My first videos on Youtube sucked and didn’t get watched.


On the mats I lost my first ever grappling match. Got smashed for years in high school wrestling and struggled early on in BJJ.


And each one of my best techniques was sharpened with 1 failure after another.


Like my highest percentage takedown. The arm drag to inside trip.


I started using the technique with a little success. Then people figured it out and it started failing.  I didn’t give up on it though. Instead, I kept adjusting and making mistakes till I developed a new setup that worked like crazy.


In fact, if I can get the particular wrist control I use I’ve only missed the takedown once in competition. Not bad if you ask me.


And if you’re a member of my Wrestling for BJJ course. I just added this stealthy “thumb up, thumb down” setup to the arm drag to inside trip inside the “Chewy’s Takedown System” section yesterday. So roll on over and check it out.


If you’re not currently a member and would like to get your grippers on the setup along with the other tried and true takedowns specifically for BJJ then press ze link below.



To wrap this one up today. Treat failure as a normal part of growth so you can learn from it and crack open the lessons to be had.


Just an idea to chew on.
BJJ at home

How to Setup a 1 Hour BJJ Training Session from Home / Open Mat

Can you train yourself effectively in BJJ from home or with open mats?

While I am always a proponent for training with a teacher, someone who has more knowledge than you do, it can still be beneficial to supplement your BJJ training with work from home or with a partner during an open mat.

Our friend Mike from the U.K said that he and his friend who is a fellow Brazilian Jiu-jitsu practitioner are only able to make the gym 1-2 days a week max.

So because of this he was wondering if there would be a benefit to doing some Brazilian Jiujitsu training from home with his buddy, and if there are any tips I could give.

In this video I outline a basic 1 hour (active time) BJJ drilling and training session. Focused on specific areas with BJJ techniques that someone already knows. It starts with drilling then situational rolling.

I also add in one of the most common mistakes I see people make when they come into the gym or get together for a drilling session at home. The mistake I talk about will eat away at the potential time for good purposeful work.

So if you’re planning on drilling or training from home. I hope this video is useful to you!

If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville, KY.

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Should I Read 1 Book At A Time Or Multiple ?

The other day I got a question from Alfonso about reading books. He says that he used to grind through 1 book at a time whereas now he’s starting to jump through multiple books. His book interest range from everything like history to self-help to nutrition and everything in between. He’s curious about how I go about reading books and send in his question.

In this video I share some information about how I go about reading books but also how I go about journaling. I also share how I bounce around from about 3 different books at a time and even share some books that you might be interested in.

This list of books or ideas on books isn’t exhaustive, it’s just a few of the ways I do things. Hopefully this video is useful to you in some way with your own reading / studying.


If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville, KY.

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push up

20 Minute At Home Workout w/ No Equipment Needed (Since I Can’t Train BJJ)

Get the at-home workout guide at:
In this at home workout we recorded I do 10 squats, 10 push ups, 10 burpees and 5 split squats to each leg. The workout took 20 minutes and required no extra equipment.

This is certainly no replacement for BJJ or solid weight lifting but if you just need a good sweat at home then give it a try.

Also included in the free at home guide is over 20 other workouts that you can throw into the mix along with some tips on dealing with a layoff from BJJ training.

Hope you and your family are healthy and safe. Stay strong and lets continue to make it through this thing together.

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focus for each belt

Philosophy and Expectations for White to Black Belt In BJJ

In this clip I talk about my expectations and what each of the 5 belt in BJJ mean to me. I explain what I would encourage people to focus on as a White Belt, Blue Belt, Purple Belt, Brown Belt and Black Belt.

Keep in mind these are my ideas and philosophies on BJJ training and if belts didn’t exist you could replace them with certain periods of experience.

Hopefully the video is helpful for you and your won path in Brazilian Jiu-jtisu.

the full podcast is available on all podcast platforms or you can check it out at

Thanks to our podcast sponsors:

Charlotte’s Web CBD. Head over to and use the promo code Chewjitsu to get 15% off of your total purchase.

Epic Roll BJJ. Check out and use the promo code Chewjitsu to get 15% off of your total purchase.

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