How Martial Arts Helps You Build Confidence with ACTION, not thinking

Martial arts are excellent for building confidence. Obviously most of my followers are Brazilian Jiu-jitsu practitioners. But I know I have others that aren’t. But either way, most martial arts involve certain things that builds confidence in a person.

In this video I answer a question from a guy who’s trained Krav Maga for a number of years and is now shifting into BJJ training.

His question to me is about my ideas on competing and how I say you need confidence, but at the same time you cannot set expectations.

So in the video I’ll explain these ideas, which might seem opposed (but they aren’t) and give you some ideas on confidence and why martial arts are so effective at building it in a person.

Hope you enjoyed the video.



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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I, Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.

A Powerful Mindset to Avoid Giving Up On Your Goals w/ Andy Stumpf

Today’s video is a short conversation with Andy Stumpf. This video was originally filmed back in 2020. I’m just now posting it (nearly 1.5 years later). Got lost in a hard drive somewhere.

Anyways, there is an idea that Andy has shared on his podcast and others he’s done about how to deal with overwhelming situations. It’s something I’ve naturally done in my life but the way he articulates it is useful in my opinion. So with that I wanted him to share it on the channel with you.

So enjoy the conversation with Andy and I. And if you like it, check out some of the links. Either to his podcast channel, website or even the podcast I did with him back in 2020.

My podcast episode with Andy on Cleared Hot:

Cleared Hot Podcast Youtube Channel:…

Thanks for watching.



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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I, Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.

The Next Time Your Train BJJ, Try This Breathing Technique

In today’s video I share a simple breathing exercise to try the next time you’re rolling in your BJJ gym. It’s a simple idea that can help you slow down your pace, not be so spazzy (if you’re a white belt) and even help you out last someone else.

I started doing this type of breathing back in 2018 after reading a couple of books that got recommended to be from a friend. And initially it was a struggle to breathe in the way I talk about in the video. But now after doing it for several years it’s much more natural and I’ve noticed it’s given me a clear advantage of my opponents in competitions and some of my training partners in the gym.

Hope the video is helpful to you. And good luck with trying the exercise the next time you roll.



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Stop Trying to Perfectly Balance BJJ & Life (I’ll Explain Why)

In today’s video I answer a question from a new BJJ White Belt who’s struggling to find the balance with Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and all of the other activities he does.

He says that he’s already a physically active person who does lots of other activities. And this combined with BJJ is leading to a lot of soreness, fatigue and some injuries.

In the video I’ll share some ideas on abandoning the idea of balance for periods of time in your life. I’ll share how I’ve done it in the past with various physical activities and projects.



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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I, Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.

The Depressing Side to Achieving Your Goals in BJJ

There is a danger to achieving your goals in BJJ or any endeavor you find yourself in. And that’s what we’re going to focus on for today’s video.

The question asker is Nina who says she’s in a situation where she’s accomplished several goals she had and now she’s in a situation where she lacks the same motivation and drive she used to have.

Her question to me is how can she get that drive back in her life and Brazilian Jiu-jitsu training. So in this video I’ll explain the natural rhythm we all experience as we accomplish our goals and the process around that.

If you’re experiencing a loss of motivation and focus after hitting a big goal I hope this video helps!



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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I, Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.

Why I Can’t Have a No Dating Policy in my BJJ Gym

Would you ever date someone in your BJJ gym? This is today’s question from one of our younger viewers. He says in the gym he’s a very confident person and feels at home in that environment. Outside of the gym in places that are normal for meeting people he says he’s a bit on the awkward side. He says his gym has a no dating policy but there are people he’s interested in.

So he’s just curious what the policy at my gym is and what my thoughts on dating in the gym are.

In the video I’ll explain why I can’t have a no dating policy at my gym and my thoughts on making sure the dating in the gym thing doesn’t blow up into a terrible situation if the relationship doesn’t work out.



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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I, Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.

mind bending chewy

Unlock More Discipline for BJJ with this Simple but Powerful Mindset

Today’s video comes from a newer BJJ White Belt who discovered Brazilian Jiu-jitsu like many people (at least in my gym). He started listening to Joe Rogan, then Jocko and then somewhere along the line found me.

His main question to me is about discipline. He says he wants to develop more of it but he’s never really been a disciplined person. And so, he’s wondering if I have any tips on discipline.

So, in this video I talk about what I really consider discipline. Because I think it can mean a lot of different things. And it’s not simply being a tough hard ass. As I talk about in the video. Discipline really comes down to 1 thing, at least in my view.

If discipline for BJJ training, and in general, is something you struggle with then I hope the video is useful to you.

Talk to you next time.



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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I, Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.

why so many rules

BJJ Competitions Don’t Have what Soccer, Judo & Most Sports Have

Why don’t BJJ competitions have the same rules like other sports? This is today’s question.

It’s a good one and can be a perplexing thing to newcomers to BJJ. I mean if you look to other sports they usually have the same or similar rules. Whereas in BJJ each organization seems to have slightly or very different rules. This is true for the highest level of BJJ like IBJJF or ADCC and even at the lower levels of grappling.
And in the video I’ll explain the basics as to why BJJ competitions don’t have the same unified rules across the board. I’ll also use Judo as a comparison and explain why I personally like Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu the way it is rather than trying to get every tournament under 1 umbrella.
Hope you enjoyed the video.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I, Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
wrestlingbjj chewy

This Destructive Mindset Will Hold You Back in BJJ & Pretty Much Everything

In today’s video I answer a question I get from a lot of wrestlers in BJJ. And in the video I’ll share an idea that I think will help any former wrestler getting in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. But I also think it’s an important idea for ANYONE getting into BJJ that’s been good in another sport before.
The idea comes from the works of Joseph Campbell who’s work I absolutely love.
Check out his work if you haven’t before. Hope you enjoyed the video.

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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
chewy pets a pony

How To Play Your Mistakes The “Right” Way (Idea from Jazz & BJJ)

Today’s Sunday video (which is my not-so-BJJ videos) I share an idea I recently heard on the Lex Frimad podcast. It’s an idea about a situation that happened with some famous Jazz musicians.

I’m a big fan of comparing other forms of art to Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and the combat arts. In many cases they’re littered with parallels. Jazz for instance dips heavily into improvisation which is something that happens with us in martial arts. In many cases we have to improvise on the fly.

And the lesson from the Jazz story in the video has a parallel that I find true for my BJJ training and life off the mats.

You can listen to the podcast episode here:…

Thanks for watching and I’ll chat with you next time.



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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I, Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.