These BJJ players are B*tching Out

In today’s BJJ Q&A video I answer a question about a Blue Belt who is smashing people in side control.

The question comes from a guy who is a higher belt in his Brazilian Jiu-jitsu gym and has recently seen a Blue Belt smashing people in side control. And once he gets there he doesn’t move, he just sits and squeezes. And the higher belt is curious as to whether or not he should say something because a lot of people don’t want to roll with the Blue Belt because it’s boring to them.

In the video I give my thoughts on the situation and why I would talk to the other BJJ students (not the Blue Belt) first. Because in the end, BJJ is about being challenged. And you can’t just give up because things get tough.

Thanks for watching the video!



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New Series Coming: Basic Techniques I Use As A Black Belt

Just wanted to let you guys know I’ll be doing a new series on the channel showing some of my most basic techniques that I actually use in competition and high level rolling successfully.

The upcoming videos will be longer as I’m going to go deep into the details that make them work. But I think the techniques could be really useful as most of them are options you’ve probably been doing since you were a white belt.

Anyways, be on the lookout for the new series and I’ll see you in the upcoming videos.


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Take Your BJJ Stack Pass to the Next Level with These Details (Gi & No Gi)

If you’re like most BJJ practitioners, you learned some form of a stack pass very early on as a White Belt. And for good reason. It’s a strong guard pass that puts a lot of pressure on your opponent.

But like many of the Brazilian Jiu-jitsu techniques we learn early on many people exchange the stack pass for something else because they feel the need for more advanced techniques.

Well, in today’s video I’m going to show you how I use the stack pass in an “advanced” Black Belt way. This video is chock full of ideas and details that could be used for multiple positions. So, if you’re attention span has been ruined by social media this may not be the video for oyu. But assuming you’re up for learning how to take your double under or stack pass to the next level, then check the video out.

Enjoy the video. I hope it’s helpful.



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Medal-Winning White Belt Obsessed with Belt Promotions in BJJ

In today’s video I answer a question from a young BJJ White Belt who’s been winning a bunch of competitions and is obsessed with the goal of getting his BJJ White Belt in 1 year. Currently he’s been training about 10 months.

Now he wants to know ideas t impress his coach which I’m not going to do since I guarantee his coach is probably impressed by his performance in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. Instead I try to share some ideas on finding meaning in between the goals he’s chasing.

I do this because I had the same tireless drive towards goals when I was younger and trying to impress my coaches and teammates. And while it can produce good results it can also produce a ton of frustration because you never stop to realize what you’ve accomplished because you’re always after the next goal.

I explain the idea in more depth in the video. Hopefully the video is useful to you.



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Make Your Collar Chokes in BJJ More Effective (Focus on This 1st)

In today’s BJJ technique video I’m going to show you 3 different chokes you can use from back mount with the same collar grip. I’m also going to show you what, in my bearded opinion, is the most important part of getting the choke. . . the setup.

These chokes from back mount are super simple. But I’ve used each one of them at every level of BJJ and even competitions. So they’re legit. Remember, the effectiveness of a technique depends on your skill as a Brazilian Jiu-jitsu practitioner, not the complexity of the movement.

A lot of people in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu get excited about the finish but don’t pay much attention to the setup which is a mistake. The setup and the initial grips on the collar are the most important part of a good collar choke.

Get a good grip and your choke is much easier. Get sloppy with your grip and it’s going to be tough!

This is something to focus on when you are practicing or drilling in your gym.

Hope the video helps give you some ideas for your next BJJ training session.



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How To Make Your Armbars Safer & More Effective as a White Belt

Today’s video will show you some simple techniques to make your armbars safer and more effective as a BJJ White Belt.

The video comes from a question I got from a White Belt who’s afraid of falling off too fast with armbars from top position becuase he doesn’t want to injure his training partners or lose the submission.

So in this video I’ll show you how to use the arm you’re not attacking (when using an armbar from top) to anchor yourself to their body and slow the armbar down. This will also help weaken many of the common grips used to defend armbars.

If you’re struggling with armbars then I hope the video helps!



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You Can Train the Sport of BJJ and Still Be Effective for a Fight

Is it ok to use more painful and gritty techniques in BJJ? This is today’s question a young guy in the military who trains BJJ and wants to make sure his grappling is effective for a fighting situation due to the nature of his current career.

In this video, I discuss the idea of using rough and more painful techniques and also how to train the sport of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu but keep it useable for a fight situation.

Hope the video gives you some useful ideas to chew on.

Thanks for watching the video.



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How To Handle Anxiety Before BJJ Matches & MMA Fights

Do you get nervous before competitions? Do you feel like the nervousness negatively affects your performance? If so, then hopefully this video will help you.

I answer a question from a young guy who says he lost his match because of his nerves and wants a way to overcome them.

In the video I share some ideas on the subject and give some useful ideas of how to convert the anxiety before matches into something useful we can use to make us better when we compete.

Hope you enjoy the video, thanks for watching.



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How I Help my BJJ Students Learn Techniques Faster

In today’s video I answer a question about the traditional BJJ class of warm ups, getting a few reps in and then rolling and the efficiency of this style of training.

In the video I share why I think the old way of doing BJJ classes where you warm up, do a few reps then just roll isn’t efficient training.

And in today’s video instead of just talking about it I show some of my class to get you an idea of the training. In this particular class we were focused on Butterfly Guard sweeps and connecting them with some escapes to make a constant repeating drill. This was followed up with situational rolling and then eventually full rolling.

Hope the idea is helpful to you.



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Easy Mount Transition from Side Control by Attacking the Armlock 1st

In today’s video I share an idea on transitioning to mount from side control as you’re attacking with a Kimura. This was one of my favorite transitions as a BJJ White Belt and I’ve continued to use it well into my Black Belt phase of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu.

If you’ve watched the videos on the channel, then you know I’m a kimura person through and through.

Now, even if you don’t like this particular transition, no worries. You can use the ideas I talk about in the video and tailor them to your game. The big idea here is to focus on having the next technique or move in your game ready to go.

Hope the video helps you and your BJJ training.



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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I, Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.