axe sweep

The Most Effective Pendulum Sweep Setup I Had Early On in BJJ

The other day I was messing around with an old Pendulum Sweep setup that I don’t really use much anymore, but that used to be one of my favorite options from Full Guard as a BJJ White Belt. Now I don’t use it much anymore because I branched off into other Jiu-jitsu positions like Half Guard and Butterfly Guard.


That said, it’s still a great setup that you can add to your Brazilian Jiu-jitsu game in order to work towards things like the Pendulum Sweep or even back takes.


I called the position “The Axe” primarily because the point of the elbow and configuration of the arm makes me think of an axe.


I also show 2 ways to get into the position.


So if you’re on the search for a setup to the Pendulum Sweep from Full Guard or just looking for some useful Full Guard sweeps to throw into the mix then I hoped the video was useful!


Thanks for watching.



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My Biggest Mistake as a BJJ Blue Belt

In today’s Q&A video I got a question from a new Blue Belt who asked me what I would do differently when I was a BJJ Blue Belt. He asks because he wants to make the most of his time in Jiu-Jitsu and wanted to get some ideas from me.


So in this video I identify what I believe was my biggest mistake I made after I was promoted from White Belt to Blue. I’ll explain why I think this was my biggest mistake and my basic philosophy of the Blue Belt.


Now, you could use the ideas in the video regardless of belt rank. But I think it’s important for anyone who’s been promoted in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and has a higher level of skill than some of their peers.


Hopefully if you’re in a similar situation the video will be useful to you.


Thanks for watching the video.



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A powerful skill every BJJ player needs (it’s difficult to develop though)

A powerful skill every BJJ player should develop is. . .

Learning when to change your game vs your opponent’s.

You see, depending on the situation you might be better served to change your plan of action. I do this all the time.

For instance, against a larger superior wrestler I’ll pull half or butterfly guard.

If I’m in top position I have specific ways of passing guard depending on my opponent’s guard style.

And I can change these before a match or even mid roll if I need. This allows me to find the place of least resistance.

And bring my strongest weapons to their weakest area.

And while it’s a difficult skill to develop, I’ve found that having your own set of rules for BJJ helps make it easier.

Your rules become a type of template or scaffolding to build on.

For example, if I am faced with a good Half Guard player I will dominate their top arm and keep my hips back. Doing this denies them the under hook and the ability to underneath my hips.

With 1 simple grip fighting technique I’m able to stop their sweeps and keep them from getting underneath my legs for leg locks.

And this is just one of the many ideas I share in my Rules for BJJ: Vol. 1 series. Besides the top arm control in half guard there are 20+ concepts and strategies that can help you formulate your own rules.

Which you can get by rolling over to the link below.

Now I say YOUR own rules because there is rarely 1 way of doing anything in Jiu-jitsu.

And while many of the rules I share are timeless. You may find your own tweaks or adjustments to them.

Either way, it pays in the long-term to be a thinking-for-yourself kind of person when it comes to BJJ.

So if you jump into the members area. Dig in, but think about how it would specifically work for YOUR game.

And whether you snag the course or not. As time goes on, be on the lookout for developing strategies vs specific styles and games.


P.S As a reminder. This product was originally created for my Chewjitsu Vault members but is on sale till this Sunday 2/14/21. After that it goes back into the Vault.

2 Useful Micro Adjustments To Catch & Finish Chokes in Back Mount

In today’s BJJ technique video I show some small adjustments you can make using the collar to get more chokes from Back Mount. These small adjustments in BJJ are sometimes called things like micro adjustments or micro transitions. Which to me means that you have a big move happening (macro) and then you’re making smaller moves (micro) within that movement.

For example, in the video you saw me do the basic chair sit technique to Back Mount. Which is one of my favorite fundamental movements in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. Within that large movement/transition I show a smaller hand grip change that you could consider a micro adjustment or transition.
The 2nd option is a simple collar feed which I use anytime I’ve got a good snag on collar but can’t quite get it to the finishing position.
Hopefully these small adjustments are useful to you with your ability to submit people from the back in Brazilian Jiujitsu.
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butterfly pass

Showing My BJJ Students How I Pass Butterfly Guard (After Class Q&A)

Today’s video is a little different. It’s literally one of the end of class Q&A’s I do with my students. At the end of every class I bring everyone in to see if they have any questions. During the video you’ll see one student ask about passing Butterfly Guard while another student asks about Half Guard.

With the guard passing tip I explain why I prefer using the Double Under Pass even against the Butterfly Guard.

Hope you enjoy the video and get something useful for it.



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Drilling this way helped me win no gi Pans 3 times

Well I’m back from sunny Costa Rica and enjoying the snowy Kentucky.

Figured we’d start the week off with a little Q&A from our friend Cole. Here’s his question.


Hey chewy got a question for you. As a new white belt when you’re drilling would you recommend training both sides equally or do you think it’s better to learn a particular move on your strong side and then on your weaker side?

Thank you so much.


Good question! And I think this one could have applications for higher belts as well.

Personally, having options from both sides has been one of the most useful changes that’s made my BJJ more effective over the years. In fact, all 3 of my No Gi Pans championship medals are, at least in part, a result of this.

Let’s jump into it.

When I first started training BJJ wayyy back in 2003 (before YouTube or Facebook) my coach told us all to train to 1 side only. To develop 1 side 100% rather than both sides and being 50/50.

And I followed this focus for years and developed techniques to my dominant side only.

It worked really well. . . until it didn’t.

Eventually I started struggling to pass and attack to my strong side. I also had a guy crush me in a match by forcing half guard to my weak side.

So I started dabbling with my non-dominant side, and after a couple of years it became my best side.

I’m right handed, as are most people.

This means most people have the same dominant side. In the gym they use techniques to the same side. This develops the sensitivity and muscle memory to 1 side.

By building up my weak side I was able to take advantage of other people’s weaknesses. I was attacking the side that most people didn’t.

And even if the technique didn’t work it would help set up my strong side attacks.

So here’s my advice.

Long term I’d encourage you to drill to both sides.

That said, in the beginning when you’re learning a technique I’d stick to 1 side first. Get the feel for the technique. This way when you switch to the other side you’ll be able to know what the technique should feel like.

Start with one side and once you are able to do the technique smoothly without much thought, then start drilling to the other side.

Hope that helps!



Be 1 Step Ahead of Your Opponent in BJJ with This Effective Strategy

Today’s BJJ video is a useful strategy that will put you a step ahead of your opponents. You can implement this for pretty much any position in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu because it’s not specific to a technique. Instead it’s specific to a situation. That situation is whenever a change of position happens.

For example a sweep where a person comes up on top, a guard pass, a takedown, etc.

And during these situations there’s a point where you’ve sometimes lost the battle. You’re losing the back, you’re getting swept, and so on. And it’s at this point where you can continue to fight a losing battle for the position or you can get ready for what’s next.

In the video I show 2 examples of setting up escapes once I feel I’ve lost the position and how I use Butterfly Guard to counter people.

Again, these ideas aren’t specific to just what we did here. They’re ideas that are useable anytime a position changes. So take some time to think about how the strategy could apply to your BJJ game when you roll or compete.



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bjj video pic

Why You Should Watch BJJ Videos Like Your Favorite Netflix Movie

With the endless number of BJJ technique videos out there. How useful are they for your live training when you get to the gym? This is the question from Amir who wants to know how valuable videos are for his Brazilian Jiu-jitsu training.

In this video I give some ideas to consider both from my experience as a coach teaching students and even from my experience as a student who used videos to improve (this one is a story about me as a BJJ White Belt watching videos to hit a slick armbar in training.)

All of this is to explain that BJJ videos (technique or otherwise) can help increase your overall BJJ IQ and help you learn inside your gym faster. Another idea I picked up from a great courses lecture is about how watching videos and even doing mental reps could help you do real physical reps better later on.

Anyways, hopefully the information in the video will give you some useful ideas to chew on for your own Brazilian Jiujitsu training.

Thanks for watching!
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flexible guard passing

Blue Belt Struggling with Guard Passing Against Flexible People in BJJ

In today’s BJJ technique video I share an idea on passing flexible people with the double under pass. The question comes from Rob who is struggling to finish the pass during his Brazilian Jiu-jitsu training.
I give two different options for using the double under pass (sometimes called the double stack pass) on flexible guard players who are able to bend backwards without much issue. The pass starts off in the most basic way that many of you have probably learned and practiced since you were a White Belt.
The 1st one is an option I used successfully recently in competition. The 2nd option is one that changes the pressure up higher on the shoulders and the neck which negates the flexible muscles in their back and hips.
If you’re trying to use this pass in BJJ then I hope it’s helpful to you.
Here’s a more detailed video of how to do the back take I show in the video:
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Peruvian Necktie ss

Effective Setup for Peruvian Necktie (And 2 Submission If It Fails)

In today’s technique video my Black Belt buddy James Clingerman shows a sneaky Peruvian Neck Tie setup and finish from the front headlock position when defending a takedown. I’m not much of a Peruvian Neck Tie person, but James has a lot of success with them so I wanted to snag a video with him showing one.

In the video he’ll show the set up if you’re defending a basic shot and then going from the sprawl into the submission.

If you’d like more techniques and submissions centered around the Peruvian Neck Tie then check out James’ series (as discussed in the video) at the link below:…

Hope you enjoyed the video and happy hunting for the submission.



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