A Powerful Game-Changing BJJ Strategy That Most People Avoid

Want me to give you a powerful and advanced lesson for your BJJ game that is also ultra simple? In the video I do just that.



Now it’s a lesson that can be used at anytime in your grappling training but it’s often overlooked. It’s also a training technique that most people will avoid due to discomfort. But with that said, it’s a lesson that has radically changed multiple aspects of my Brazilian Jiu-jitsu game and led to more submissions, smoother guard passing and more back takes.


That lesson is. . . take the techniques you know well and do them to the other side.


Now some of you are probably on the other end of this message upset itching to unsubscribe because you were expecting some super secret ninja thing. Well, you can always unsubscribe, the button is there.


But for those of you who are still reading, watch the video and I’ll explain why it’s so powerful.


Hope the video is useful for you.

Thanks for watching!


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Hard No Gi Rolling With Chad Hardy and The Team in Nashville

Today’s No Gi rolling video comes from a BJJ team training session we had in Nashville back in 2019. During the rolls you’ll see me roll with Chad (the young Black Belt I promoted), Kenny (another Black Belt) and a bunch of others on my team.


The rolling video covers a lot of different areas of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. You’ll see me use sweeps, takedowns, guard passes, leg locks, etc. Also when you watch the video you’ll notice we started the rounds off with situational then moved into full rolls.


The rolls vary in intensity. Against Chad and Kenny I was going hard. And I slowed down a little against some of the other people.


You can check out Chad’s Channel at: youtube.com/Chadthebeast
He has some great resources for long lanky grapplers and one of the nastiest triangles in the game.


You’ll also see me get submitted. In case you don’t think my tap hand never gets used, you’ll see it in the video. It’s just the nature of Brazilian Jiujitsu. . . everyone gets caught in stuff at some point.


Hope you enjoy the video and rolling.

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BJJ Blue Belts Are Like Teenagers With A New Car

In today’s BJJ Q&A video I answer a question from a competitive BJJ Blue Belt who says that he is enjoying the variety that Brazilian Jiu-jitsu offers, but he says that with all this variety he is struggling to determine his best techniques and finding the balance between experimenting with new techniques and sharpening the old ones. He’s hit with dread information overload!


When you watch the video you’ll hear me talk about some main points.


The 1st one being that as a White Belt your job is to survive and do what you can. During this phase of BJJ training your options are much more limited. But as you progress you get a new found freedom almost like a teenager when they get their first car. At this point you can explore and do all sorts of things you couldn’t before.


At this point it becomes like a prospector from older times who would sift through dirt and sand to find gold.


So as you progress in BJJ you expand your techniques and sift through what works to find the best techniques for you.


I hope this video and the ideas I share in it are useful to you and your ability to develop your BJJ game.


Thanks for watching.



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Failures are a different type of growth (read and you’ll understand)

I want you to think of a tree.


Imagine it’s root system dug deep into the earth, the trunk climbing to the sky, branches reaching out further and leaves to rest on the ends.


Got the image in your head? Ok good, save it because we’re going to use it in just a minute.


So in yesterday’s email I talked with you about a powerful tip. A simple idea that changed my game.


Just do techniques to the weak side. 


But I wanted to follow up on the idea with you today because as simple as that idea is, it was hard for me to implement years ago. As it will be for you if you try.


Know why?


We don’t like going down.


When I started doing techniques to my weak side I failed a lot and it was tempting just to go back and do them to the strong side where I knew I could be successful.


You see, when things are going well we expect them to always be or to get even better. We associate growth with UP and expect it to continue in a steady march.


But we hate the idea of things not going so well, of failure and mistakes which we associate with DOWN. We see any descent as a bad thing.


And I’m just as bad as anyone with this. Maybe another time I’ll share more about my past neuroticism with this. But for today I’ll share an idea that has been a game changer for me.


Going back to that tree. . . does a tree just grow up? No, right? The tree is growing up but it’s also growing down and around. If a tree never thickened at the trunk or grew it’s roots deeper, it could not support continued growth.


We aren’t so different. When you fail, make a mistake and get put in a descent. It’s not a terrible thing. It’s a chance for you to grow your roots and strengthen your foundation so that you can support growth in the future. And so if you decide to take on the challenge of doing techniques to your weak side (or any new endeavor off the mat).


Be ready for a descent and don’t see it as bad. View it in the way we spoke about today. A chance to grow in a different way.


Talk to you tomorrow.



P.S If you’re interested in going deeper with me in learning tips to benefit your technical, physical and mindset development. Then I invite you to join me inside The Chewjitsu Vault. It’s currently at a nice discounted rate, but only until this Friday.

(Click Here to Join)



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What to expect from the NEW Chewjitsu Vault

So Today is the big day.


I’ll be releasing The NEW Chewjitsu Vault with you around 6pm EST.


You’ll have a chance to dig into the lessons content I’ve picked out for January which includes some escape lessons and ideas shared through video and a written newsletter, narrated rolling, a written blurb about the positive power of negative emotions and I even give you a clear look at a diet I’ve been following recently where I’m losing weight but gaining strength.


And once you’re inside the members area here’s some of what you can expect in the coming months. . .

  • A monthly digital newsletter written by me about training, life and anything that I think can serve you on your own path.
  • ​Narrated rolling breakdowns. (I show you full rolls of myself and others so that you can get a better conceptual ideas as to HOW and WHY BJJ techniques work together as they do)
  • Delicious, energy-enhancing food recipes straight from my kitchen. (Don’t expect your body to run like a Ferrari if you feed it junk fuel)
  • ​BJJ drills you can do with your partner designed to improve muscle memory and BJJ movement. (These are the same drills I use for my own training and with my students)
  • Solo drills you can do from home to boost your BJJ skills and mobility on the mats. (If you can’t make it to the gym or need a workout, these are perfect)
  • Sample strength training and cardio workouts from my own personal exercise routines. (I’m always testing out new methods and I’ll show you whats working for me)
  • An inside look at the books I’m reading and listening to. 
  • The best recovery methods I’m currently using. (If you don’t make time for recovery, prepare to make time for breakdown)
  • ​Effective stretches to help stay injury free by offsetting the muscular imbalances BJJ causes. (Targeting specific areas will help keep the body healthy and free from constant injury and pain)
  • Sample diets I’m using. (An inside look to what I’m eating to fuel my BJJ training and lifting)
  • Powerful meditation practices and idea that have been game-changing. (Various forms of meditation have been huge for helping with sleep, recovery and even the nerves associated with BJJ competitions, MMA fights and life in general)
  • Interviews and special exclusive podcast conversations with other grapplers and guests. (Learning from others who have “been there and done that” has always been a tool of mine, and through the podcast I’m able to share this with you.)
  • ​Special workouts designed by Joe and I that you can use. (We test them out on our members and then give them to you)
  • The most effective supplements I use and/or the ones I’m testing out. (I’ll share the ones I’ve gotten the most benefit from and the ones I think are complete junk)
  • ​Behind the scenes vlogs, videos and content I don’t post anywhere else. (An inside look at my training and living)
  • ​A private community area with live Q&A videos and special online seminars (A chance to connect with me directly if you can’t make it to my gym)
  • ​Discounts on future Chewjitsu products. (For being a part of the group you’ll have special access to products at a discounted rate)
  • ​Special gear and freebies ONLY for Vault members. (I get messages from companies all the time wanting me to give stuff away. I plan to hook up the Vault members)
  • ​All delivered in a easy to use format either at your computer or on your smartphone via the app.


So if all that sounds good then be on the lookout for my email today.


Hope to see you inside the vault.



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Fix Your BJJ Mount Escape with These Step-by-Step Position Tips

Do you have plenty of techniques to escape Mount but yet you still have trouble escaping the position? If so then this video may be useful to you. In many cases it could be your setup and the sequence you use to execute your escape. In today’s BJJ technique video I show some details on escaping Mount with a focus on the strategy of it rather than just the technique itself. This should hopefully help you have a better understanding as to the “why” you’re doing what you’re doing in this Brazilian Jiujitsu position.



The basic sequence I show in the video looks something like this:

– Free the leg to have a bridge

– Bring hands together to setup frames and get inside control of the position

– Begin to setup mount escapes


This has made my escapes from Mount so much better and has also helped out many of my Brazilian Jiu-jitsu student’s with their escapes from a tight Mount position as well.


If you’re struggling to escape Mount then I hope this video is useful to you.



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Even Black Belts Can Overthink Coming Back To BJJ After Time Off

I got a question from Operation Random on Youtube about coming back to Brazilian Jiu-jitsu training after a 3 month lay off. They say that they’re nervous about returning to their BJJ gym and starting their grappling training over again.



In this video I share a recent story about one of the Black Belts and Purple Belts in my gym who just returned. I share this because layoffs and experiencing some nervousness or anxiety about getting back into Brazilian Jiujitsu is not just a White Belt thing.


When we first start something new there is fear of the unknown. Later on the fear comes from our own expectations.


But either way the fear is imagined and generally the reality of the situation is better than the imagined fear.


If you’re getting back into BJJ after a bit of a lay off I hope this video is helpful to you!


Thanks for watching the video.



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Avoiding Street Fights Is A Powerful Part of BJJ Training

Today’s BJJ related question comes from a viewer who got into Brazilian Jiu-jitsu training because he backed down in a street fight situation because of fear.


Well recently he had a situation where someone was verbally aggressive with him. This leads into his question of whether or not all the BJJ training he is doing is a waste. Because while no fight happened, he’s wondering if he should have been more physical or verbally aggressive back at this other man.



In the video I describe the situation that took place and I give my personal take on the whole thing and self defense in general.


I also share my thoughts about using Brazilian Jiujitsu in a street fight situation and why it’s good thing to avoid them, and why BJJ gives you the powerful ability to avoid them if it can be avoided rather than becoming emotional and escalating the situation.


I also referenced a video on aggression.

You can watch that video here: https://youtu.be/Dcx0YSv9Wcg
Hope you enjoyed video.


Thanks for watching.


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3 pillars of BJJ growth (how many are you missing?)


Think of a 3 legged stool.


Each leg supports the other and as soon as 1 is removed the stool will fall to the ground.


When it comes to BJJ I believe there are 3 areas that lead to you realizing your true potential. Consider them legs of the stool or pillars that you build upon.


In a lot of cases I see people developing 1 while leaving the other 2 largely untouched.


The 1st is Technical Development. 


Think of the positions and techniques you learn and drilling to build muscle memory.


Lack proper technical development and it’s like being in a pitch black room looking for something.


The 2nd is Physical Development. 


This is the way you develop your physical body. Your diet, strength training, stretching, recovery, etc.


Without continuing physical development and improvement you’ll end up like a car with no engine or fuel.


The 3rd is Mental Development. 


This is a little more abstract than the other two. But think of this as the development of courage, resilience, awareness and in some cases a level of detachment that contribute to your mindset.


Without development of your mindset it’ll be like having the most advanced fighter jet but without a good pilot to fly it.


When all three of these are in order with one another you have the potential to realize what your capable of but when one is missing it’s like the stool that falls over.


Over the next few days I’ll tell you more about these areas as well as something I believe can help you develop them.


I’ll talk to you tomorrow.



Chewy ain’t no “bottom b@!#h (Youtube Trolls Reply)

Hello friend,


Welcome back to another edition of . . . Grappling With Comments From Trolls.


Today’s contributor, Good Old Bob Jim, coming to us all the way from his mom’s basement writes on YouTube. .


Lol I’m sorry but grappling is just the faggiest shiit. . . brb dry humping a guy doggystyle trying to get “full mount” . …… do you guys duct tape your erections down or what?


Safe to say if you two had to share a cell in prison Chewy would be the Bottom bitch”



Clearly Bob Jim has never watched the Chewster compete. If he had he’d know that I rarely get taken down. And usually if I end up on the bottom it’s because I pulled for the sweep and end up on top.


And as far as the “faggiest shit” I’m going to assume our friend with a challenged vocabulary means negative.


Well. . . calling grappling negative ignores that we do it naturally as kids, that a great number of bad ass people in history were accomplished grapplers and that grappling in some form has existed in every major civilization.


To be human is to grapple. 


I remember punks in high school said the same type of stuff to me when they’d try and pick on me.


That was until I doubled legged them into the ground. That put an end to that. We even got a couple of new sign ups to the team!


Anytime I see someone rag on grappling as homosexual, it tells me more about the person than of grappling.


So going back to the comment. If I was in prison I certainly wouldn’t be a “bottom bitch” because I have takedowns.


And whether you’re trying to avoid being on bottom during a Bjj roll, competition match or for your upcoming stint in the pokey.


Then check out my takedown series where I show my best fundamental takedowns along with the defenses to make sure you don’t end up as a “bottom bitch” either.


(Click here to check out the series)


Sorry. . . couldn’t resist. 😉


Seriously though. . . I always wonder what the people writing this stuff look like. I wish I could see the man or woman behind the screen name.


Oh well since I can’t, I’ll just enjoy mocking shit posting, negativity and ignorance.


Enjoy your day! Hopefully I gave you a chuckle this morning. And if you took offense to this for some reason, please unsubscribe because well. . . you’re no fun.

