BJJ Motivation

Overcome Lack of Motivation for BJJ Training

Do you ever lack motivation for BJJ training? If so, how do you overcome it?


What keeps you motivated?


I recently received a couple of BJJ motivation questions related to motivation for training. 1 from Zach, a BJJ Blue Belt who is having some of the Blue Belt blues and is lacking motivation for training.The other from Perk Kar on the Chewjitsu Instagram, who said, “lack of motivation how do we overcome it?”

You Don’t Want The SPARK of Motivation

In this video I do my best to share the idea that motivation for BJJ is not what you need to keep training consistently. Most people think of motivation as some sort of divine spark that is supposed to hit you and propel you forward to do the thing that you know you need to do or that you want to do.

I personally hate that spark and find a different type motivation far more useful for long term consistency.

Create Your Own Motivation for BJJ

In this Chewy ramble video I share the idea of creating your own motivation for BJJ training. You can become a powerhouse of motivation. But it’s not something that magically comes to you. Instead you create it by taking action and moving forward towards whatever it is you want.


If you’re talking about Brazilian Jiu-jitsu training. Make a ritual and schedule. And stick to that damn thing. If there is a secret to getting better and staying motivated. It’s keeping your disciplined habits and schedules together.


Having the structure to fuel your Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is far more helpful than any spark for training motivation. Because you wield it. . . it’s yours. And instead of being so dead set on some long term goal. Your goal should be your rituals and schedule. Keep them alive and enjoy the little victories and the big ones will come.


Hope this video helps you with your BJJ motivation problem. Now go get into the gym and train your face off!
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Take Away My Medals & Belts (You Can’t Take This Away)

BJJ Promotions

Me receiving my 2nd stripe as a Black Belt from Coach Shawn.

So if you follow my Instagram

Then you may have seen that I was promoted this past week by my coach.

And I received a lot of congratulatory messages. . .

Which I suppose were in order.

But at the same time. . .

I didn’t know what to say because I didn’t feel like congratulations was necessary.

Rank was never really important to me.





Exterior Goals are Just Different Now

As I’ve grown older I’ve reached a still point in my training.

I know I’m going to have good days and bad days.

When I compete I know I’ll win some and lose some.

And promotions will come. . . as they always have.

But this really isn’t important. What’s important For Jiu-jitsu, is simply being on the mat.

It’s about who we forge ourself into along the way.

The medals won, promotions received. . .

They become less valuable when compared to who we became in order to achieve them.

Winning a medal is worthless if you didn’t become a person able to win the medal.

Having a belt is an empty thing if we don’t have the skill and knowledge to back it up.

Exterior goals motivate us. . . as they should.

But after years and years of chasing exterior goals you look back to the center. . .

Yourself. . .

BJJ White Belt

My 1st BJJ Competition

Grappling Changed My Life

At a young age grappling showed me self reliance.

It helped me to believe in what I could do even when I didn’t think I could

It taught me the value of grinding away after something, for no other reason other than . . .I wanted it.

It showed me that lying beneath the surface there was so much more to me than I ever thought.

So you can take away my medals, my belts and my stripes.

But you cannot take away who I’ve become.

What We Are Seeking Is Within Us

And as you move through your own path in grappling and in life.

As you achieve your own goals and climb your own mountains.

Someday you’ll realize (if you haven’t already). . .

That none of it even comes close to the person you transform yourself into.

The thing you were seeking. . . it was inside of you all along.


Keep training my friends, -Chewy


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transcendent goal

Find This Goal to Fuel Your BJJ for Years to Come

People are driven by all sorts of different motivators when it comes to BJJ. Often, what we learn through years of chasing goals is that. . .


It’s never enough. You’ll never really be satisfied by any exterior goal.


There is machinery in your body that helps motivate you and push you towards the attainment of a goal. And once that goal is reach.


Well. . . it turns off and then kicks back on with a new goal.


I found this out as a young man chasing medals and MMA. Moving from 1 medal or fight to the next expecting some sort of respite from the feelings of inadequacy  that burned inside me which pushed me early in BJJ.


But no matter how cool the jiu-jitsu medal or how exciting the MMA fight win. The wins provided only a temporary salve for the feelings to push myself even further.


And so I’ve come to believe that if you’re going to do this stuff for the long haul. Eventually you have to find a transcendent goal. Something that overshadows all others. . . and it has to come from inside you. 


Exterior goals will change, but something inside you. That’s special.


I’m sharing that with you because recently I uploaded videos of me training with some of my friends.

And in these videos you’ll see me training hard. But I was wasn’t training for anything other than my love for training.


Why Don’t I Compete More?


I also get asked from many of the people that watch my videos why I don’t compete more. As I told one of my students. I’ve been competing with a tournament at least every 3 months from 14 years old to 31 (I’m 32 now.)


When I started Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. I was competing to prove something to myself about who I was. To find myself. This is an expedition we all have to take at some point in our lives if we are to grow as people.


If not through BJJ than through some other worthwhile challenge.


As I got older and had been to battle so many times. That drive to PROVE myself to myself had left me. I still have room to grow of course. That never ends. But the NEED to prove who I am to my own self was gone.


I had proven myself. Both through my own abilities, and through the impact I’ve had on others around me. My body has the deformities and scars to show my years of development.


If I compete now. It isn’t to prove anything. It’s merely a test to myself to see what’s working in my game. Maybe for a little of nostalgia. To step back into the fray and feel The Butterflies. They’ve become like old friends as I’ve grown accustomed to them since I was 14 years old.


Now, when I compete, I do it because I WANT TO. I do it when I feel like it.
BJJ training

Chewy with no beard (Circa 2012)

Why I Still Push Myself


I love figuring out new techniques and moves.


I love lying in a pool of sweat with my friend knowing that we just gave one another each other’s best. As a martial artist. This is the highest form of respect to me. I gave you my best, which forced you to give me yours.


I love the camaraderie than comes from the closeness created through training.


I love pulling myself and my students forward. If I get better, they get better. And I’ve dedicated myself to them in order to help them develop themselves through training.


And at the end of the night after everyone has left and I’m closing up the gym. Before I turn off the lights I have this odd habit of just staring off to the mats and appreciating the days work that was done. Because it was special and there will never be another like it.


I know this was a little all over the place. So, heres the 2 take aways. 


1. Find a transcendent goal. Something that comes from your heart and pushes you to do better regardless of any exterior sources. Because as we said, the exterior goals will come and go.


2. Everyday that you’re on the mats is a good day. There are only a finite amount of them. You get only so many times to step onto the mats. Appreciate each one and be grateful for that opportunity.


Happy Sunday!
Talk Soon,

Why I Don’t Use Neck Cranks During BJJ Training

Are Neck Cranks (and in particular the Can Opener) Dick Moves in BJJ?

Well it depends. . .

As always, what classifies a Dick Move is usually if the person’s intent who is executing the technique.

That said, when it comes to day-to-day training in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. My objective is to train hard. But make sure my partner is healthy and safe. And Neck Cranks have the ability to do some nasty stuff to the neck and the discs in the spine.

Because of that fact. I often avoid them.

Typically speaking, once your neck is injured. It’s never quite the same.

So for myself and my Brazilian Jiujitsu training partners. I avoid them for the most part.

I typically stick to submissions that I can finish cleanly, that aren’t dependent on pain to get the submission.


That said, it is important to understand how neck cranks work and how to defend against them in BJJ so that you are able to adjust to them. Because you never know if someone is going to use a neck crank on you!

Can Opener Neck Crank Counter

In this video I show some simple counters to the Can Opener technique. 1 is an easy adjustment of the grips and arms. The other is a sneaky armbar that will catch the person with the can opener neck crank by surprise!


BJJ Dick Move Comment Reply

In this video I also reply to some of the comments I received about my stance on neck cranks in BJJ and for training purposes.

The primary comment I touched on here regarded the idea that all submission are the same. Safe if done properly and tapped early. Which I agree with.

But I explain in more detail my stance on neck cranks in particular.


Hope you enjoyed the videos!

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My Problem Period with Wrestling Based BJJ Takedowns

bjj takedown
So I’ve told you about the upsides to having Wrestling to work in unison with my Brazilian Jiu-jitsu.


Would you like me to tell you the downside of it, and tell you about a time when I struggled to score the takedown? 


When I was. . . at times. . . forced to pull guard because I had no other battle ready technique at my disposal?


Well then, here goes.


My Wrestling Takedowns in BJJ Stopped Working

Starting at around about the time of my Purple Belt. I found that the arsenal of takedowns that I used from White to Blue began to flicker out when I had matches in the Gi (No gi wasn’t an issue).


By flicker out I mean, sometimes they’d work, and other times they wouldn’t. 


What determined this in large part were the use of the grips of my opponent’s. As many of you know. I went on a sort of Grip Fighting adventure later on in my BJJ career.


But at this point I was struggling. 


This KILLED my morale during a match. 


I’m sure it would be kind of like a tank hitting another tank with a direct hit. There’s smoke and some cheers from the crew. And then through the smoke and fire emerges the same vehicle pressing forward. 


I’ve read memoirs of men speaking of this sort of thing and the way their heart would just sink into their gut.


This is what it felt like during the middle of the battles I’d find myself in during a match. 


I’d fire off with my old tried and tested takedowns. And after exhausting them all. My opponent was still standing ready to go.


And it would be at these points during a match where I KNEW it was going to be a long slog of a match.


There would be no easy victory and I was doom to play on my opponent’s movements. A reactive game. . . which is always a terrible thing.


Sure I could defend takedowns effectively but I wasn’t able to get them myself. This resulted in terribly boring matches where myself and the opponent would dance around back and forth with no real progress.
[My 1st Purple Belt Competition]


To give you an idea. . .


During my 1st Purple Belt competition. I couldn’t take down my opponent in the finals who was 30lbs lighter than me. Which is a shot in the gut for someone who prided himself on having good takedowns.


I beat him only after he pulled Guard.


I tried several takedowns but his grips stopped everyone of them. One of his grips was so strong that it tore the collar of my gi.


I Felt Embarrassed to Win This Match


Another match in particular at Brown Belt, which was probably one of my low point in regards to takedowns played out like this.


It was a 7 minute match. Myself and my opponent locked up. . . and we spun around in a circle with half assed takedown attempts on both sides.


I eventually got an advantage for an ugly high level double leg attempt. Then I stalled out for a minute to win (I stalled because I was scared of losing. Another story for another time).


I won and ugly ugly match. . . by an advantage.


As the ref raised my hand I looked down at my feet in embarrassment. I even apologized to my opponent after we shook hands following the decision.


Not only was I afraid to go for the win. I couldn’t even use what was once my best asset for competitions.




It was like I had lost part of my identity. 


2 Friends Helped Me Recover My Takedowns in BJJ

Following this match and for the next 2 years I went deep into redeveloping my takedowns to involve the style of fighting that I was encountering.


During this period, as is the case in many cases. I was able to pull myself together and make things happen. But only with some serious help.


1 came in the form of a Japanese judoka and BJJ Purple Belt who opened me to proper grip fighting.


The 2nd came from my past. My old training partner (who outranked me in the beginning) and the person whom I owe my Chewy nickname. His name is Mike.
Mike was a talented wrestler. An All American Wrestler in High School and wrestled for a Division 1 college (for those of you outside the U.S that means he was good). He was also a Purple Belt in BJJ at the time of my funk.
Mike was also one of my original battle brothers on the mats.


He was one of my 1st training partners.


He was in my corner cheering me on during my 1st competition.


And in the beginning he was sort of the verbally abusive older brother that would rag on me


and at the drop of a hat would be there for me if I needed anything.


He was also the one that gave me the nickname Chewy (after I spazzed out on him). The nickname started off as “You big dumb wookie.”


Mike and I have been through a lot over the years. . .
[My 1st competition]
[Me Whispering Sweet Nothings Into Mike’s Ear before battle]
[Mike and I double medaling together in 2010)
During this funk of mine. . .


Mike ran Wrestling classes at the gym which I started coming to wearing my Gi.


We worked together to adjust the wrestling he and I had learned to make use of the grips or at least get around them.


The result of this was fantastic. 


I came back from this period with a newly developed style of takedowns that had been blended with my style of Wrestling and BJJ. It was a hybrid style of standup that had been pieced together for BJJ.


As I continued to compete. . .


My effectiveness with takedowns began to shoot up.


I found myself scoring takedowns left and right. And even using Guard Pulls in a more aggressive and takedown oriented manner.


At the same time I was teaching everything to my students and I watched them flourish as well. Everyone from White to Black.


And. . . I’ll tell you. It was nice.


It was nice being able to step on the mat and know that I COULD take the match where I WANTED it to go. If I wanted to get the takedown I would. If I wanted to play off my back against someone, I would.


I was able to dictate my destiny on the mat, rather than play reactionary to someone else’s attacks.


It was on my terms. Even when I lost. In most cases, I lost on the battlefield positioning I had chosen.


Most People Don’t Have Reliable Takedowns for BJJ


This is contrast to many who compete or even roll like I used to. 


They lack a true step by step approach to their takedowns.


They dance around aimlessly with no real focus. 


They can’t score the takedowns that they want. 


And they’re either forced to pull guard or they have ugly matches that leave them frustrated, like I was a Brown Belt. 


Worst of all is that many are scared of takedowns all together for fear of injury.


And I believe this is due to the fact that most people LACK a systematic approach to their takedowns. 


You don’t want to be any of these people do you?


Right now, I’m doing an early release of the system of takedowns I developed for my game and for my students.


It’s a great system of takedowns specially designed for the Brazilian Jiu-jitsu player.


I’ve included both Gi and No Gi variations in the hopes that you don’t end up like I did. Great in one sub set of BJJ and poor in the other.


Even if takedowns just aren’t your thing and it’s an area that makes you uncomfortable.


We can make them your thing!
P.S. In addition to the system of takedowns already laid out. We will be doing a live seminar style format and additional content based on input from those who take part in the early release.
Those who wait to order will not have access to the live options and input.
[Me, exhausted but victorious, and $1000 richer. Due in part to my ability to dominate takedowns in the Black Belt invite division]
BJJ takedown won me this one






The Gi Confused Me During My 1st BJJ Match ( Wrestling for BJJ )

bjj gi

1st BJJ Match

My 1st match in BJJ has kind of a funny story behind it. I didn’t know how to stand properly! I had not idea how to use my Wrestling for BJJ.
The picture above is from that match.
1st, I was wearing my coaches BJJ gi. The gi that I had didn’t have any team patches on it, so he insisted that I wear his.
So I have this gi on and it still feels completely foreign to me. I had wrestled and so grappling felt fine. But I really hadn’t worked in the gi that much. And so I felt kind of out of sorts.
In my 1st match of the tournament I was placed in a Pigtail match. For those of you who haven’t wrestled this maybe a foreign term. But basically I had to win a match just to get into the normal bracket.
I’ll never forget it. I walked up to center of the match and as I stood there waiting for the ref to give us the go ahead to begin the contest. I didn’t know how to stand. 
Didn’t know how to stand???
Of all the things to be focused on right before the match started I was like, “How do I stand??? I’m not in a singlet, I’m in a gi!!!”
So what do I do? I for some reason decided to stand like my favorite 2 dimensional video game character. Ryu from street fighter. Even writing this I feel like just palming my face and shaking my head.
For some reason, since I had the gi on I felt like I was supposed to stand very different to my normal wrestling stance.
I had somehow completely ignored the whole tournament around me to notice the close resemblance to wrestling. I had completely forgotten that I had rolled in the gi from the feet a bit (granted I had only been training for 2 weeks at this time).
And while there are some adjustments needed to crossover the Wrestling to a BJJ match. It looked more like a wrestling stance then Ryu from street fighter.
As soon as the match started muscle memory took over. . . thank god.
I locked up in a traditional head and arm tie. From there I did a duck under, achieved a body lock on my opponent and lifted him into the air and brought him to the match and secured a Keylock / Americana for my 1st BJJ win in competition.
I would go on to place 2nd in that tournament. I won 3 matches in total. All by the same method. Takedown to side control along with an ugly keylock.
The match I lost was against a superior wrestler who put me on my back where I quickly reverted into a turtle lying on it’s shell in the sun.
Why am I sharing this story?
I’m sharing this amusing story to illustrate a few things.
1. Even though I was out of sorts in my heavy cotton pajamas. The muscle memory I had developed from drilling and wrestling took over. When I couldn’t think straight, my body simply just acted. 
2. After 2 weeks of BJJ I was able to do incredibly well in my 1st competition. On basic takedowns and top control alone. 
As I’ve progressed I’ve always felt comfortable on the feet. And being able to control the takedown games more times than not has allowed me the advantage of either going for the takedown or even shaking things up and pulling guard aggressively and throwing off my opponent who expects me to wrestle.
As a coach, takedowns are something we work on every single week. And our team does very well with our ability to achieve the takedown but also our ability to counter wrestle. We aren’t satisfied to lay on our backs and let someone achieve top position. They’re going to have to fight for it!
And in a couple of days I’m going to open up my favorite takedown techniques that I use in my own gameplan and takedown system, as well as the most valuable and easy to use techniques from the feet that work with my students.
I’m excited about it because after several surveys. Takedowns, wrestling and how to work from the feet seems to be a area that many of you want more knowledge from, and I’m excited to help.
I’ll continue to share more details about the video series and I will be Launching it this Friday for those who are interested, November 17th.
As I’ll be explaining. I’m doing a short opening window for the 1st launch because I want to work with a smaller group more directly to get feedback and do some live events.
But more details will come soon. 🙂
Hope you enjoyed the story of me struggling in the gi for my 1st BJJ competition match.
Talk to you soon!


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tapping in bjj

Tapping in BJJ IS Losing, IT’S Failure  

This morning I saw a video showing a guy at a Brazilian Jiu-jitsu tournament who simply REFUSED to use tapping out as an option. He continued even after being caught in several submissions. One leg lock attempt that left him visibly injured, to the point where he could no longer stand without a limp

Here’s the video if you haven’t seen it:


Why Didn’t You Tap???

I’ve run into the “Not Tapping” thing several times in my 14+ years of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu training.

There was this time when I was a White Belt.  These 3 MMA fighters stopped by our gym for a grappling class. During the class one of my good friends who was nearing his Blue Belt (but was still a White Belt) caught one of the MMA fighters in a Kimura. As he cranked the guys arm the MMA fighter began to grunt and make sounds of discomfort. My friend sensing the pain eased up and held the position of the Kimura but stopped cranking it any further.

Eventually our coach stepped in and broke it off. The MMA fighter then stood up screaming about how he hadn’t tapped and my coach calmly informed him that he was saving his shoulder so he could train tomorrow.

The man stormed out of the room.


Why Didn’t You Tap?

As a coach I’ve run into this before as well. I once had a situation with a student who REFUSED to tap to things. In a lot of cases till it was too late.

In one particular instance. One of my other student’s placed a wrist lock onto another student who refused to tap. As the wrist lock slowly got tighter and tighter, the student applying the lock asked verbally, “Are you alright?”

To which the non-tapping student replied, “Yeah, I’m fine.”

There eventually came a POP and my non-tapping student stood up clutching his wrist while wincing in pain. I quickly rushed over to look at the person and see what exactly happened.

The student who applied the submission was visibly shaken by the fact that he hurt a fellow training partner. Contrary to the hard nature of training and potential of submissions. Most people don’t enjoy hurting their training partners.

I quickly, took the student over to the side and asked, “Hey man, did it hurt when the wrist lock was being applied?”

The student’s reply came as he was still holding the injured wrist in his other palm, “Yeah. . .”

My face at this point had to have been one of just complete anger because I was so irritated by that response. Then I asked the question that got to the root of the issue. “Why didn’t you tap????”

His reply sums up why some people still insist on waiting till the last possible moment or refuse to tap at all, “Because I didn’t want to lose.”

After hearing this. . . I lost it a bit and went on a long rant about training properly.

Not Tapping is like Not Respecting The Check Mate in Chess

Even at my worst in regards to being overly competitive and going too hard. I still tapped all the time. Could you imagine all the injuries if I hadn’t tapped often. I wouldn’t be able to do BJJ today. Even today. I’ll tap very quickly than risk my long term ability to train and just be a human. No tournament or win during a roll is worth 3 – 12 months of time off the mat and away from my students as well as the possibly long term consequences.

Also, if you don’t tap. You’re not respecting the game of rolling. Rolling is 100% a game. There are players, with basic rules to govern the environment and finally there is a way to win and lose.

When you don’t tap to a submission. It’s like playing a game and not respecting the rules once you’ve lost. It’s as if you were playing a game of chess. And once your partner established a check mate against you. Instead of saying good game and rearranging your pieces. You begin to just start moving your pieces as if nothing happened.

The difference though is that where as in a chess game you can always just get your pieces back after the game. When you don’t tap to legitimate submissions. You don’t get those “pieces” you’ve lost back.


Tapping IS Losing, IT’S Failure

People use this saying that tapping isn’t losing, it’s learning. I don’t agree with that exactly.

Tapping is losing. You lost. . . plain and simple. You can doll it up however you want to in order to make yourself feel better, but it’s losing. We play a game and when you tap, you lose. When you get the tap, you win.

That said, tapping out is still learning. As is every loss and failure. And I feel like that’s one of the benefits to BJJ is becoming ok with losing.

Failures are like the scars that lay scattered around my eyebrows. Each one of them has a story of me doing something wrong. The only reason I have the scars are because I did something wrong. And you better believe that I learned from them and corrected the mistakes later on. And I wear the scars proudly.

There’s no shame in losing, and failure. Here’s the root issue that a lot of us have trouble with. Including myself at times. We act as if failure is so bad. But it’s not. It’s only bad if you perceive it to be so and give it that negative power. It’s the failures we experience that really push us forward and make us better. Nothing lights a fire under you or makes you get your shit together quite like screwing something up. And behind each failure is a story of you not doing something correctly. And you’ve got to be open to reviewing that story to get the most out of anything.

So respect your opponent’s by playing the game of rolling correctly. Respect your body and it’s longevity by tapping to legitimate submission attempts. And lastly, embrace your failures. Lose the aversion you have to failure and move towards it! Failing is what you’re supposed to do! Because that’s where you need to go to improve.




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Focus of New BJJ White Belt

What to Focus On as a New BJJ White Belt with No Submissions

When you first start as a new BJJ White Belt, it can be overwhelming. There is so much going. It can be overwhelming and somewhat confusing about where to start.

I experienced this issue when I began training. And it is a question one of my new White Belts named Taylor recently asked me about. His question was essentially asking what to focus on as a new BJJ White Belt.

(If you’d like to read more about my early days in BJJ read this old post.)

So in this video, I share several tips about how I personally went about the initial phase of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu as a brand new White Belt with little to no submissions in my useable technique arsenal.

Tips for a Brand New BJJ White Belt

I share some tips for people who are more comfortable on the bottom playing form Full Guard and I share some options for people who are more comfortable playing from the top positions.

The general idea in this video is that if a brand new BJJ White Belt. Your goal should begin as just being able to control position as best you can and survive initially. 

If you can control the basic positions (holding full guard, maintaining top position, etc) then overtime you’ll find that you’ll be able to mount some sort of offense attacks afterwards. Brazilian Jiu-jitsu has the old saying of “position before submission” and this is so true. If you can control the position consistently and reliably. You’ll be able to have more opportunities to attack or defend yourself effectively.

But in the beginning, if you don’t have the ability to maintain positions properly. You’ll be hard pressed to mount any submission attacks or offense techniques. So this should be one of your main focuses in the beginning of training. So if you are brand new, and you’re wondering what to focus on during rolling or Bjj training. This is a basic answer.

So for all the newcomers to BJJ, I hope this video is useful to you!
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Quitting BJJ Because It’s Hard? (What Did You Expect)

Have you ever been frustrated and contemplated quitting BJJ? This is a situation a buddy of mine, Mike (who is a coach), is having with one of his students.

In the situation. There are two BJJ White Belt students. In the video I’e attached, I call them Student A and Student B. Both have about the same training in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu but yet one of the students seems to be flourishing while the other is having trouble at every turn. One has won several competitions while the other hasn’t even won 1 single match.

This problem has recently become even more pronounced when the Bjj practitioner with less time under his belt was bumped up to a higher skill level at a BJJ tournament while the other stayed at the beginner level.

The White Belt student who was moved up to the intermediate level for the competition won 2nd place while his training partner lost again.

My buddy Mike who coaches Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and is a friend of mine. Was asking, “What would you say to a student who is in this spot and is on the verge of quitting BJJ?”

So in this video I try to address this sort of issue where someone is thinking about quitting.

Has any BJJ Black Belt Ever Said It’s Going to Be Easy?

Firstly, I would ask someone who is frustrated.

“Did anyone ever tell you Brazilian Jiu-jitsu was easy?”

I mean , has a BJJ Black Belt ever told you that it  was going to be easy? Oftentimes Black Belts will say that all they are is simply a White Belt that never quit. And that is the truth in many cases. And even for those that were naturally gifted for BJJ training. What they are trying to say is that to succeed in BJJ, you have to have perseverance. You’ve gotta be willing to get into these tough situations and be ok with that.

Along with that, in this video I share some details about how I was in a similar situation early in my start as a grappler, and have been many of times and how I’ve dealt with it.

Anyways, watch the video! I hope it helps!

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Chewjitsu Grey Gi

The Chewjitsu Grey Gi Order Has Started!

Be a part of the 100 and get a Custom Grey Chewjitsu Gi!

I’ve been talking about this order for a while on my YouTube Channel and it’s finally here!

I’m super excited about this!

My students and I have been rocking the Grey and Black Gis for over a year and we love them. And through the videos a lot of people have expressed that they want one.

I’ve been super busy with seminars, teaching and my own training that I haven’t had a chance to get it going.

But starting today we are launching the gis!

If you’d like to order a gi click the links below. Pay close attention to the links depending on if you are an International or U.S Based Customer.

I wasn’t able to figure out how to separate all the shipping prices for the variations. So there will be two different prices. The higher price for the International page covers most of the additional shipping charges.

Included with your purchase is

  • Custom Grey Chewjitsu Gi
  • Travel Gi Bag
  • You’ll also receive an email after the Gi order is done with a video series of my favorite prehab / rehab exercises along with some of the supplements and dieting techniques I use to keep up a high level of training. It’s included just for the 100 people who purchase the gis!

Pre-Order a Grey Chewjitsu Gi (Those of you living in the U.S) 

Pre-Order a Grey Chewjitsu Gi (Those of you living Outside the U.S)  

Chewjitsu Grey Gi

Chewjitsu Grey Gi Mock Up



