Half Guard Sweeps getting Mauled by Overhook in BJJ

If you’re a Half Guard focused BJJ player or ever get into the Dogfight position then you know how troublesome a well placed overhook can be.

In this video we’re going to get into this position and look at a couple of options. Today’s BJJ video request from Gui who is playing Half Guard in his gym but is getting mauled by the overhook / whizzer when he attempts to come up for the sweep.

In the video I give 2 different options that can be used to counter the Overhook.

The 1st is simple limp arm / lazy arm. I probably use this technique the most. It’s just such a strong attack to throw into the mix.

And I’ve used it over and over again. Both in BJJ training in the gym and competitions. Another option is a roll under sweep using the “regrip.”

If you’ve watch any of my Half Guard technique videos you’ll see me showing the re grip sweep over and over again. And it’s a great counter to Wrestlers and those types who try to use overhooks to counter sweeps and movements.

This is because they are literally giving you the grip you need to make the sweep effective. So, if you’re struggling from the Dogfight position or getting smashed in this position with the overhook. I hope the techniques are helpful.

-Chewy –

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What Does Chewy Read? (Chewjitsu Books Part 2)

The other day I got a question on my Instagram about some of the audiobooks I listen to and which ones I like.

I have over a hundred audiobooks in my Audible library and I figured you guys might be interested in listening to some of them. So I might do this as a monthly series and share some of the titles I liked and why I liked them.

Below are the amazon links to an Audible subscription (I’ve been a loyal member since 2009) and links to each book I talk about.

The links are affiliate links. So if you’re interested in the title. Use the link by clicking the book image. It costs you nothing extra and helps support the Youtube channel.

But seriously if you’re interested in audiobooks I can’t recommend audible enough.

Here are the books in no order of significance or importance. . .

The War of Art

This one is a short read or listen and is great for anyone who struggles with just not “feeling” like doing the thing they want to do.

My favorite takeaway is the idea of the force Pressfield calls “resistance.”

Basically, anytime you get ready to do the thing you want, or need, to do you encounter resistance. He talks about how this affected his writing and how he overcame it and how you can too.


Go Wild

This book was co-written by the author of Spark which is an interesting book.

The book goes into detail about some of the theories of human evolution and how our current lifestyle habits affect us.

While I don’t agree with everything in the book, I’m not going to throw the baby out with the bath water. There are several useful lifestyle adjustments that could be useful for people.

1 simple one is to get out in nature more often and the authors explain why this is so valuable for us as humans.


The Motivation Myth

This was a cool look at motivation and how it’s not something you either have or don’t have. Motivation often comes about and continues because of our forward momentum of taking action.

If you’ve ever felt a lack of motivation, as we all have, this book is an interesting listen as to what you can do to become a powerhouse of motivation creation.


A First-Rate Madness

In society if you’re anything but “normal” you get tagged with a mental illness and then are given medication. Which in some cases is necessary. I’m definitely not arguing that.

But this book takes a look at some of the most well known historic figures and identifies the mental illnesses they possessed and how these mental illnesses helped them.

In some cases the author makes a case that the mental illnesses they had made them better suited for the rough times they encountered.


The Sports Gene

This book runs opposite side of the 10,000 hour rule of mastery. It doesn’t say it’s wrong but it says there may be another factor at play.

In the book the author shows examples of athletes who were tailor made for the particular sport they joined.

One interesting example was a kid who had an extraordinarily long achilles tendon which gave him incredible jumping power.

Another that was interesting example was that height alone was not the only important factor for professional basketball players. There were other measurements that were just as, if not more important.



Why do we feel so close to those who we’ve experienced tough situations with?

Junger was a journalist in a war zone and wrote his book explaining how soldiers in terrible situations bonded in a way that is not normal in civilian life today.

It even made me think about how we bond doing Brazilian Jiu-jitsu through years of struggling.



The last one I will share today is Sapiens.

The 1st chapter of the book blew me away and kept me listening the whole way.

The 1st chapter talks about how humans are really good at telling stories. Imaginary cooked up stuff that isn’t real. . . it’s all made up.

Green paper is valued as money to exchange for goods. It means something because we imagine it to.

We live in countries and are a part of a nation with imaginary, no real borders. We made the borders.

I won’t go any further, but if you’d like to get a deeper insight into some of the things that made us human, it’s worth a listen or read.


So there’s 7 books to check out. I’ll do another one of these next month and share more. If you have any questions just comment down below.


How to Train BJJ from Home When There are No Gyms Nearby

What do you do if you want to train BJJ but there are no Brazilian Jiu-jitsu gyms in your area?

Are you just out of luck? I get questions regularly from people who live in remote locations or smaller cities and are unable to find a gym to start their Brazilian Jiujitsu training.

So if you find yourself in one of these situations where there is no gym but you want to train. . . what do you do?

In this video I go off of a recent 1 on 1 coaching session I did via Skype where I worked with someone who was in the same situation.

If you’re interested in a private lesson in person or remotely click here: https://chewjitsu.clickfunnels.com/co…

He found the information helpful and so I share it in this video. It basically involves a few parts.

1. Setup a dedicated space for your training. (I explain why this is so crucial)

2. Recruit some friends to train with.

3. Find a gym within a drivable distance to begin training session when you can make the trip to them. (Again I’ll explain why this is useful)

4. Lastly I touch on the idea of using video courses and instructional series that you can find. If you’re in a situation where there is no BJJ gym near you. Then I hope this video is useful for you!

-Chewy –

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New to X Guard in BJJ? ( Start with this Fundamental Sweep )

Are you wanting to get started with X Guard in BJJ? If so, this is one of the sweeps I encourage newbies with X Guard to use. I’m going to assume you have a basic way of getting to X Guard already. If not, you need to focus on an entry to X Guard .

If you need some examples of entries. Check out this X Guard drilling video I did:

In this video I show a “fly on the wall” video series of some BJJ X Guard Drills we were working on.

During the drilling cause we started with X Guard entry drills then moved into X Guard sweeps with some of them being cyclical style drills. Meaning I sweep you, then get up and then you sweep me. And the drill is continuous. We spent the better part of an hour and half going through these different BJJ drills and this was after a week of drilling these same movements over and over again.

We all got a ton of value from it. Many of us after this week of X Guard techniques found ourselves hitting the sweeps and options effectively.

X Guard is one of my favorite positions in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu because I honestly don’t have incredibly long legs for my size and I often find myself there after working from positions like Butterfly Guard and Half Guard.

Since, I have shorter legs and a thick torso. I can kind of ball myself up under a person to keep them off balance and achieve a sweep. I’ve used this style of sweeping against people much larger than me with great effect during rolling and Brazilian Jiujitsu competitions. So if you’re looking for some BJJ drills to boost your X Guard. Whether it’s just getting to the position or sweeping.

Also, you’ll see the technical standup used as the finish to the sweep which is a basic movement taught in BJJ classes which then gets repurposed for this sweeping technique. I hope the sweep is useful to you in getting started with X Guard.

-Chewy –

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45 Year Old BJJ Brown Belt & Strength Coach Talks Lifting & Longevity

To check out Ethan:



Do you have trouble of balancing BJJ with weight training or maybe you’d like some information about lifting weights in relation to Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. This is a little different than the normal technique or Chewy Ramble video.

Although, I think it can be really helpful to those of you who are new to Brazilian Jiujitsu and weight training.

The video came about because of a conversation Ethan and I had at the pool when we talked a bit about weight training. And as someone who talks about lifting weights all the time.

Naturally, I get a lot of questions about BJJ related training.


And Ethan, who I jokingly call a meathead (I mean that in the most endearing way possible), has a lot of information about lifting weights, doing BJJ (he’s a brown belt) and being over the age of 40.

So, enjoy the talk and I hope you get a few helpful nuggets of information from it!

-Chewy –

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I Train BJJ for the “Feel-Good” Brain Chemicals

Yesterday I received a question from our friend who says he lacks the motivation to train Brazilian Jiu-jitsu some nights.

He says that a lot of times after a long day of work he struggles to get the energy together to workout and he’s wondering what I do to keep myself motivated.

In the video I share that I’ve never really needed motivation to workout. Whether it’s Brazilian Jiujitsu or lifting. I’ve never required motivation to train.

And this is because it makes me feel so good, and I don’t need to be motivated to feel good. We do all sorts of things in our life that make us feel good.

Eat, sleep, take pills, etc. And it requires little motivation most of the time to do them. With exercise it’s no different. It makes me feel amazing after I’m done. Even if I have a terrible training session or feel weaker than normal. I always feel good after the training is over.

Also, I share some details about a cool book I’m reading right now that explains all the chemicals that release in the brain and the physiological responses associated with exercise. The book I mention in the video and you can check it out here.

Spark : https://amzn.to/2GNBz5V * This is an affiliate link. So if you purchase the book it helps support the videos and Youtube channel. I hope you enjoy the book.

If you’re struggling with motivation. Discipline is helpful. But enjoying what you’re doing and knowing that it’s going to make you feel better is always helpful. Talk to you next time.

-Chewy –

Sign Up for “Almost Daily” Emails

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3 Step Process For Adding New BJJ Positions

When it comes to adding a new position to your game.

There’s a basic three step process I use that works like a charm.

I mean there is going to be a lot of trial and error. But that’s the currency you use to pay for the techniques and new position in the future.


The 3 step process is kind of like building a new home.

You start with finding the right land. This is the place you want to be. Without the land you can’t build.

Then you build the structure of the home. Foundation, walls, etc. Without a foundation or an actual structure, there is simply no home.

The very last part is the decor and furniture that you put in the home itself. Without the furniture and decor your home has no purpose. It’s just an empty building.

With Adding New BJJ Positions Here’s My 3 Step Process . . .


1. Starts with ENTRIES (Decide on your land)

This means finding techniques and movements to get to the desired position.


2. HOLD the position (Build the foundation and structure)

Once you’re there your focus should be on holding and being able to control the position.


3. ARM the position (Add purpose to the position)

Once you can get to the position and you can hold it under control. Well my friend, now is the fun part. It’s time to execute techniques.


And this is why in my Half Guard Sweeper series. I break it down into categories.

Such as entries, sweeps, drills, etc. This way you can build the position just as I’ve listed above.

Click here to start building your Half Guard House

Even if it’s not my Half Guard techniques. Follow that three step process and you’ll be set when it comes to new positions.

Talk to you tomorrow.


P.S Remember anyone who is a Half Guard Sweeper member by Friday will get the chance to snag something new I have coming out.

So join before then, don’t miss out!

Show Me That Beautiful Guard Pass! (Surfboard Pass)

The surfboard pass is one of my favorite BJJ guard passes. It’s a really simple movement. Almost like a technical standup going forward.

The Surf board pass can be unexpected sometimes and it even looks cool. But again, it’s not a complicated move to use. Just requires some drilling to nail down the timing. In this video I work with a friend I met down in Costa Rica.

I met him and his brother last year during our Pura Vida Brazilian Jiu-jitsu retreat. And they were able to train with us again this year. During our roll I hit the surfboard pass on him and he asked to see some of the details.

And in the mood of sharing. I figured I’d share some of the details with you guys.

So if you’d like to work on the surfboard pass in Brazilian Jiujitsu.

Then enjoy the video and hopefully, even though it’s short, you’ll get a couple of useful nuggets of information to make it more effective.

-Chewy –

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Smashed at a Different BJJ Gym (Don’t Want my Blue Belt Promotion)

Recently our friend went to another BJJ gym for training recently and he’s been bummed ever since. During the training session at this other gym he felt like he didn’t know anything.

And he knows that he will be up for promotion soon at his gym. But he says he doesn’t want it now. Basically he says he is a BJJ White Belt who feels like he isn’t worthy of the Blue Belt.

In this video I share my thoughts on his struggle with his upcoming belt promotion and how he feels with his BJJ training in general.

The big idea I try to share in this one is that it’s a mistake to judge your whole experience and enjoyment in BJJ solely off having a tough set of rolls at another gym.

The patterns and styles are different. I was talking to my guys about this recently. Where I explained that most of my Purple Belts give me more trouble than the Black Belts I compete against.

Which isn’t about technical ability per say. If you’re having a similar situation regarding feeling worthy or ready for a Blue Belt promotion. Then I hope this video is helpful.

-Chewy –

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Hanging, Rolling and Choking with 2018 World Champ Mahamed Aly

Recently I had 2018 IBJJF World Champ Mahamed Aly out to our gym to train and do some videos.

In this video I take you guys along with me while I meet and train with Mahamed.

It starts off with me picking him up from the airport and finishes up with him rolling with me and the students at my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville, KY.

During our roll all I can say is. . . man. . . he’s fast! Especially considering he’s like 230lbs.

The Brazilian Jiujitsu techniques and ideas he shared were great. And if you ever get a chance to train with Mahamed you should definitely do so.

You’ll also see me teaching a bit as well as just some clips added in during the day. This is a little different than the normal style Brazilian Jiujitsu videos I put out. But I hope you enjoy it.

Follow Mahamed Aly with the links below!

One Way BJJ (English BJJ Channel):

Mahamed Aly (Portuguese Channel):


-Chewy –

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