Hunt Submission in BJJ Like a Big Cat in The Wild

In BJJ everyone wants to be more offensive and hit more submissions. It’s fun! In Brazilian Jiu-jitsu nothing feels quite as good as a well-timed submission. And so today’s question comes from a White Belt who said he’s defense is good but wants to turn up the offense now.

So in this video I’ll share 2 things. #1 I’ll share something that will destroy your ability to be offensive on the mats against similarly skilled opponents. #2 is a simple idea to eliminate this problem and how to become laser focused on your offensive techniques and submissions.

Now, I won’t lie to you. The idea is super simple. But it’s effective. It’s something I still do to this day. And when I think of all my best students and friends in grappling, they do the same thing.

So anyways. . . Hope the video gives you some useful ideas to assist you with your training.



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