How to Deal with a BJJ Training Funk & Create Your Own Motivation

I get questions about losing motivation all the time. So in today’s Q&A video I wanted to share an idea that’s been useful to me with motivation. Also, I’ll explain why I probably look at motivation a bit differently than you do.

Most people associated this feeling of excitement to do something with motivation. I only see that as half true. In my eyes motivation is actually created by you. And this is important because when most people don’t have that excited feeling, they feel like something is wrong and that they lack motivation. In my mind they like something else and there is a way to create motivation that’s a bit different.

Again, this is how I see it and what’s been useful to me, my Brazilian Jiu-jitsu training. But it’s also been useful off the mats as well.

Hope the idea proves useful to you as well.



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