This Technique Might Be Killing Your Half Guard (Here’s 2 Counters)

Every position in BJJ has weaknesses and strengths. Also, some techniques work very well against certain positions. The back step for instance is a great technique versus a half guard. And this is the focus of today’s BJJ technique video.

The question comes from one of the viewers who’s half guard is getting destroyed by people back stepping on him. So, in the video I’ll show you 2 options you can use in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu to counter the backstep.

Both are simple and have either been used by me. . . or against me. . . in competition.

The first one is probably the simplest of the 2. But with each one, it requires a certain timing to be effective. This is why I bring focus to the physical queue you should look for when executing the technique.

Hope the video helps if you’re a half guard player.



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