why so many rules

BJJ Competitions Don’t Have what Soccer, Judo & Most Sports Have

Why don’t BJJ competitions have the same rules like other sports? This is today’s question.

It’s a good one and can be a perplexing thing to newcomers to BJJ. I mean if you look to other sports they usually have the same or similar rules. Whereas in BJJ each organization seems to have slightly or very different rules. This is true for the highest level of BJJ like IBJJF or ADCC and even at the lower levels of grappling.
And in the video I’ll explain the basics as to why BJJ competitions don’t have the same unified rules across the board. I’ll also use Judo as a comparison and explain why I personally like Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu the way it is rather than trying to get every tournament under 1 umbrella.
Hope you enjoyed the video.
Video Courses and Products: https://www.chewjitsu.net/products
Intro/Outtro Music : https://bknapp.bandcamp.com
If you’d ever like to train with the team and I, Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.