The useful books I read (and reread) before bed

One of my night time rituals is reading.

I tend to turn my phone off a couple of hours before bed and start my winding down process.

And reading is a big part of that.

In particular I like ending my day with some thought to help me move into the next day.

With that said, on the table next to my bed there are a pile of books like Meditations, The Enchiridion, Emerson’s essays, some of Thoreau’s work and so on.

Now I’ve read and reread all of these books and essays plenty of times.

But I find that every time I read them I see something new.

Now the ink had already stained the paper when I first read the book. But I either wasn’t ready for the information or was just in a different place in my life where the information didn’t stand out as much.

And this is honestly how BJJ instructionals, youtube videos and any informational courses are.

You can’t just go through them once. It’s not enough. You’ve got to go over them again and again.

Hell, it’s the same with techniques in my gym. I’ve had Purple Belts tell me how a technique I showed really stuck with them. . . even though I know I had been showing them the same technique since they were White Belts.

So whether you’re a loyal youtube follow, podcast listener or have purchased a course or two on my website at

Don’t expect the information to work or make complete sense the 1st time through.

Be willing to put in a few viewing and studying reps. And be willing to come back to the information later on as you improve and progress.

I imagine it’ll be similar to the way I am with my reading and studying. You’ll see new things that were always there, but that you missed the 1st time around.

Just a few ideas to chew on for the day.

Talk to you tomorrow.
