Leg lock

Hunting for Arm Locks and Leg Locks (No Gi BJJ Rolling)

Recently I got asked why I let go of leg lock entries a lot in my BJJ rolling. Well the answer is I don’t always. It’s more of a focus on training at the time. In this video I’m actually far more aggressive with capturing the leg entries and working for the finish. So you’ll see 50/50, heel hooks, honey hole transitions, etc.

Now a thing to notice is that once I get the legs I am very slow to apply pressure to my partners joint. This is how all submissions should be practiced on a regular basis in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. Think of an armbar. We apply pressure slowly and exercise control of the position. We do not crank their arm super fast till it breaks.

The same is true for leg locks in Brazilian Jiujitsu. I want my training partners to return tomorrow. So when I catch a submission I’m very slow to extend or apply pressure. I want to exercise good control so that if I needed to apply pressure I could.

This allows me to play leg locks and keep injuries down to a minimum.

Hope you enjoy the rolling video!

If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville, KY.

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