BJJ Mount position

3 BJJ Mount Positions For Self Defense / Fight (Advantage of High Mounts)

I recently got a question about using the BJJ Mount position in a street fight situation. So in this video I cover 3 different Mount position variations and some useful tips for being in position.

I chose 3 different Mount positions that are common to run into during an average BJJ training session. And then I show how they could work for a fight situation against an untrained person.

I base the ideas in this video from my experience of MMA, out of the gym fights and self-defense Jiu-jitsu. I also include ideas from my students (many of them in law enforcement).

Again, remember that this video is for educational purposes on how things could work. Street fights are unpredictable and your goal should always be to avoid them and deescalate the situation whenever possible.

Even as a former professional MMA fighter and Black Belt in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu I do everything I can to avoid a fight on the street and you should too. But if you need to protect yourself BJJ is an effective martial art.

Hope you enjoy the videos and the ideas in it.

Thanks for watching!

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