Want to know how long I’ve been grappling?

So I realized something today. . .


Starting with Wrestling, I’ve been grappling for almost 20 years! You know what this means right?


1st thing is that I’m getting old. 2nd is. . . well there isn’t a 2nd. I’m just getting old.


But seriously, I was thinking about this because today I have a high school wrestling team coming out to do some training with me at the gym. As part of my life’s mission. I really want to help out teenagers and kids who need it. And so I’ve been wanting to connect with some of the high school wrestling programs in my gym’s area and offer some special training for them.


Here’s why. . .


In high school I loved wrestling and would literally experience depression when the season was over. I missed the camaraderie. I missed the strong male role models I had with my coaches. I missed the training.


And many of the kids, after speaking with the coach, are just like I was. Growing up in a fatherless home, riding the poverty line and entering adulthood with a lack of possibilities for the future.


Grappling and the discipline it helped me create in myself and the people it brought into my life changed me in ways I still can’t quite grasp.


So I’m looking to find kids like I was and assist them just as I was helped by other strong men who were willing to help me.


But who knows, I might be getting ahead of myself. Hopefully this first session goes well.


Speaking about high school. Some things never change. Like in high school my favorite takedown was a single leg. And even now, after 20 years, all of my best takedowns are built around single legs.


If you’d like to see my personal favorites when it comes to takedowns. Check out my Wrestling for BJJ series. Inside there is a category that breaks down my personal highest percentage takedowns step-by-step.


(Click Here to get access to the series.) 


Alright, I’ve got a busy day ahead of me. Talk to you tomorrow.



P.S That picture at the top was from my 1st year.