3 Step Process For Adding New BJJ Positions
There’s a basic three step process I use that works like a charm.
I mean there is going to be a lot of trial and error. But that’s the currency you use to pay for the techniques and new position in the future.
The 3 step process is kind of like building a new home.
You start with finding the right land. This is the place you want to be. Without the land you can’t build.
Then you build the structure of the home. Foundation, walls, etc. Without a foundation or an actual structure, there is simply no home.
The very last part is the decor and furniture that you put in the home itself. Without the furniture and decor your home has no purpose. It’s just an empty building.
With Adding New BJJ Positions Here’s My 3 Step Process . . .
1. Starts with ENTRIES (Decide on your land)
This means finding techniques and movements to get to the desired position.
2. HOLD the position (Build the foundation and structure)
Once you’re there your focus should be on holding and being able to control the position.
3. ARM the position (Add purpose to the position)
Once you can get to the position and you can hold it under control. Well my friend, now is the fun part. It’s time to execute techniques.
And this is why in my Half Guard Sweeper series. I break it down into categories.
Such as entries, sweeps, drills, etc. This way you can build the position just as I’ve listed above.
Click here to start building your Half Guard House
Even if it’s not my Half Guard techniques. Follow that three step process and you’ll be set when it comes to new positions.
Talk to you tomorrow.
P.S Remember anyone who is a Half Guard Sweeper member by Friday will get the chance to snag something new I have coming out.
So join before then, don’t miss out!