Open Mat Toy Donation

Don’t Underestimate the Kindness of Strangers

You may not know this. But I grew up poor. Like really poor.


One memory is when I went with my mom and sisters to the grocery store. We paid for the groceries with this weird monopoly looking money called Food Stamps.


Afterwards we went out to this old station wagon my mom had. Fun thing about this car, none of the doors worked except the back hatch.


So my mom opens up the hatch. My sisters climb over the seats to get in and then my mom and I pile the groceries and get in.


Annnnnnd the car wouldn’t start!


I remember seeing the defeated look on my mom’s face as she turned the key again
to start the car up.

The Help of a Random Stranger

Luckily for us that day. A mechanic was packing his groceries nearby and heard the engine whining and he came up to help out.


He jumped under the car for few minutes, did something, and the car fired right up. My mom offered him what little money she had. He waved it off and smiled.


This was from a time where my mom had just gotten sober and was pulling it all together. And looking back at it now as an adult, I’m not quite sure how she did it.


One thing I know for sure is that she couldn’t have done it without the help of so many people. Sometimes family, but sometimes just kind strangers.


And this Sunday we are doing a Toy Drive for a local organization call the Scholar House. They do amazing work helping single parents get an education and skills so that they can provide for their children.


We gathering for a Open Rolling Session of BJJ. And we are gathering unopened toys to donate to the families for Christmas.

The BJJ Open Mat starts at 12pm (noon)

Click here to check out the Facebook event:
So bring a gift and let’s get some training in!

Our address is:

8021 Dixie Highway Ste 102

Louisville, KY 40258

Talk to you guys next time!