Why I Almost Quit Doing Youtube Videos
Want to know the best way to take something that’s fun and ruin it?
Start taking things too seriously.
It happens so often. We get into something. It’s fun, enjoyable. . . but then. . . we start setting expectations for ourselves, our ego becomes the master instead of the slave.
From my experience this typically goes hand in hand with getting better. Which is weird, as you get better you kind of get worse in some cases.
Great example was in my early stages of BJJ. As I began to get better. My ego became attached to that outcome and it froze me in place. I couldn’t test new moves because I didn’t want to lose. This really hindered my growth in BJJ. And it happened because I took it too seriously for a time and forgot the whole reason I started training.
Because I enjoyed it!
I Almost Quit Doing Youtube Videos
Another example is with the videos I do for you guys.
Originally I started doing them for my students. Then I started getting questions and I had fun answering them.
But then!!!
People started following me and would tell me how much it helped them, and I started having people travel hours away just to train and hang out. And then . . . I became too serious about it.
I started putting pressure on myself. I felt like I had people to help! This pressure made it difficult for me to do videos for several weeks and at one point I almost just quit doing them completely.
Eventually I realized how serious it had become. How stupid of me! I was supposed to be having fun and helping. So I switched it back around and went back to playing around.
And it’s why you continue to see videos on YT and IG.
You’ve Got to PLAY With New Positions and Techniques
And for those of you who have already or plan to jump in on my new Half Guard series. Be sure not to take it too seriously.
You can check out the Half Guard Sweeper Series Here:
Whenever you’re developing new positions and techniques. It’s important to have a fun almost playful mindset. Studies have even shown that we actually learn better in a more relaxed mental state.
And take it from me, being TOO serious about things just leads to frustration. On and off the mats.
And if you’re working on something else besides my techniques, no problem. Take the same advice. PLAY with the new material rather than get too serious and hung up on it.
See you guys in future not so serious videos and blogs.