The Battle Between The 2 Wolves Inside You
He said, “My son, there is a battle between two wolves inside each and everyone of us. One is Good and one is Evil.”
After hearing this the grandson asked, “Which wolf wins?”
The old Native American replied, “The one you feed.”
That’s such a simple and powerful story. The energy you put out in the world is what you’ll get in return. Negativity begets negativity. Positivity begets positivity.
It’s the reason why miserable people never seem to change. Because they are the ones causing it! They’re feeding the wrong wolf.
Or maybe it’s the right wolf for them. I mean some people seem to enjoy being miserable and projecting it onto others.
I bet you know someone like that right?
The Wolves of Our BJJ Training
And our training is no different. What we put in is what we get out.
Just like the wolves of good and evil.
Only these wolves represent our techniques and positions. Think of it as the wolves of Guard, Passing, Armbars etc. And the wolf that becomes the biggest and strongest is the one you feed.
And if I can make a feeding recommendation.
If you haven’t already. Check out my BJJ Grip Fighting video course.
Get a Grip – BJJ Grip Fighting System
Grip Fighting techniques is a “wolf” in your BJJ game that transcend positions. Good Grip Fighting gives you an advantage everywhere in BJJ.
They’re simple techniques. But I use them and I have testimonials from Black Belts describing the impact they had on their game. So I hope they’re useful for you too!
Talk soon!
P.S We’ll be working on our Half Guard Wolf soon *hint hint*