neck crank in bjj

My Black Belt Opinion on Neck Cranks in BJJ Training

How do you tell your partner it was a Neck Crank during BJJ training and not a Choke without seeming whiny or upset?

Well technically I believe what we do is actually a strangle. As the definition of strangle is . . .
“squeeze or constrict the neck of (a person or animal), especially so as to cause death.”

But we’ll use choke to keep it simple for this BJJ video. 🙂

How to Bring Up Neck Crank Vs Choke

In this video I got asked how to bring up the somewhat taboo topic of letting your partner know that their choke was in fact a crank.

A lot of times people in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu dislike the neck crank and consider it a dick move. Primarily because it often just hurts and creates injury. Whereas a clean choke actually puts someone to sleep with typically no injury.

For some of you younger grapplers. Neck cranks may not seem like a big deal. But they can potentially damage the cervical spine and keep you off the mats for a while if not forever in some cases.

But as I talk about in the video. The neck crank is a legit submission and should be respected as such. And in gym training it may be a smart idea to tap to them to avoid risk of injury to your neck.

But that said, I think many of us would like to and probably should aim to secure that clean choke which puts someone to sleep rather than causing them to walk around stiff as a board for a week.

And in that case I believe it’s important for BJJ practitioners to communicate with their training partners. Sometimes during the submissions themselves. Help each other out so that you can make one another better.

In this video I discuss how to bring up the subject of whether or not it’s a choke or crank without coming across as a sore loser.

Hope the video helps!
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