BJJ Motivation

Overcome Lack of Motivation for BJJ Training

Do you ever lack motivation for BJJ training? If so, how do you overcome it?


What keeps you motivated?


I recently received a couple of BJJ motivation questions related to motivation for training. 1 from Zach, a BJJ Blue Belt who is having some of the Blue Belt blues and is lacking motivation for training.The other from Perk Kar on the Chewjitsu Instagram, who said, “lack of motivation how do we overcome it?”

You Don’t Want The SPARK of Motivation

In this video I do my best to share the idea that motivation for BJJ is not what you need to keep training consistently. Most people think of motivation as some sort of divine spark that is supposed to hit you and propel you forward to do the thing that you know you need to do or that you want to do.

I personally hate that spark and find a different type motivation far more useful for long term consistency.

Create Your Own Motivation for BJJ

In this Chewy ramble video I share the idea of creating your own motivation for BJJ training. You can become a powerhouse of motivation. But it’s not something that magically comes to you. Instead you create it by taking action and moving forward towards whatever it is you want.


If you’re talking about Brazilian Jiu-jitsu training. Make a ritual and schedule. And stick to that damn thing. If there is a secret to getting better and staying motivated. It’s keeping your disciplined habits and schedules together.


Having the structure to fuel your Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is far more helpful than any spark for training motivation. Because you wield it. . . it’s yours. And instead of being so dead set on some long term goal. Your goal should be your rituals and schedule. Keep them alive and enjoy the little victories and the big ones will come.


Hope this video helps you with your BJJ motivation problem. Now go get into the gym and train your face off!
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