Low Guard Passing

5 BJJ Low Guard Passing Position Drills (Flow Drills)

5 BJJ Low Guard Passing Position Drills (Flow Drills)

Being strong from the low guard passing position is important. The lower style guard passes allow you to put the pressure on your opponent and allows you to pin down their legs.

Just like anything else in your Brazilian Jiu Jitsu though. You have to be able to chain together and flow from one technique to the other. Being able to do this in BJJ, especially with your low guard passing. Allows you to attack from multiple angles and adjust to your opponent’s defense.

One of the common mistakes I see from people with their guard passing is that they will only have 1 solid guard passing technique and have no answer for their opponent’s adjustments. They’re guard passing is 1 singular movement without the back up it needs to be successful.

For me, if I have trouble passing standing, most of the time due to very active legs. I immediately move to attack with low guard passing. And most of my low guard passes in BJJ originate from a few basic positions.

This is why I like this drills in this video so much.


Low Guard Passing Drill Video

Instead of just learning the techniques. You’re doing drills that will help you establish a low guard passing position. Then after you can easily acquire the position. Adding in the actual guard passing is easier.

Also, the five movements in this video are flow drills. Meaning that you flow or chain from one movement to the next. This is great for building that ability to smoothly move from position to position and it’s a hell of a workout.

So if low guard passing in BJJ is something you need to work out. Try these flow drills and see if they help. I know they’ve worked well for myself and my students for BJJ competitions and rolling in the gym.

Oh, and I encourage you to add in some of your own movements when your drilling. Think about positions you get to and add them into the mix!


Focused BJJ Ebook




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