Kill cravings for ice cream with frozen fruit
One of my students said he made one of my smoothy recipes and that he really liked it, and asked if I would post another one. So, at his request, below is a recipe I’ve been using in place of something like ice cream. Honestly, I’ve come to enjoy it more than ice cream. It tastes amazing and it has the benefit of not making me feel like garbage after eating it.
What you’ll need. . .
- 1 frozen unsweetened acai brick (I bought a bunch of these at a local Meijer. It was on sale for 2 dollars cheaper than Whole Foods.)
- ½ cup of frozen berries (I really like berry blends that have cherries included.)
- Half a frozen banana (Freezing your bananas is a great idea if you get too many to eat or they’re getting close to going bad. You can then save them for a delicious treat.)
- Stevia to taste (No need to overdo it on this one.)
- ⅓ cup of water or any type of milk you’d like (I like unsweetened vanilla almond milk.)
How to make it. . .
- Add all the ingredients to a blender and blend till it has a smooth consistency.
- Done
After you’re finished, you’re left with this delicious purple mixture that is healthy and will satisfy that hankering you have for ice cream or dessert. Well, at least is does the trick for me. Keep in mind you can use any particular fruits you like in lieu of the acai and berries. I just think that the acai and berries happen to make a pretty kick ass combination.
Give it a try!