My favorite part of BJJ training

These last few weeks have been a lot of fun. Myself and all of the guys getting ready for the Atlanta Open have been pushing the intensity up on the mat as well as rolling longer and longer. There is a group of about 12 of us who are consistently coming in for extra hard drilling and rolling sessions and it’s been brutal. This is by far my favorite part of BJJ, the lead up to competitions. I love the camaraderie that develops through hard training and I don’t feel quite as close to another human than right after we beat the crap out of each other. I also get a strange enjoyment out of fatigued feeling I have the morning after a hard training session. Regardless of how the actual competition goes, I always enjoy looking back on the tough training sessions. When I think back to previous competitions. I don’t just remember the competition itself. I also remember the rough training, epsom salt and ice baths, extra cardio, shark tanks, injuries and all the other stuff that went into the preparation of those competition.
Side note / piece of advice. Try and find a gym buddy or buddies. Having people you can rely on for drilling partners and hard rolling partners leading up to competitions are invaluable.
No real point to this post other than get on the mats and train hard!