Don’t be the dirty BJJ guy


I’ve been making stupid videos recently for my students instructing them (mainly the new guys) on proper gym etiquette. Here is one we made last night.

10 replies
    • Chewy
      Chewy says:

      What’s the worst scratch that you can recall?

      Long nails are a big one for me too. I’ve seen several scratched retinas. I had to take one of my fighters to the emergency room years ago because of scratch to the eye.

      • AnthonyR
        AnthonyR says:

        I havent had the eye scratch (ive been poked before), but i get a lot on my hands and neck. They’re not bad really. They just stay for a long time. A gouge heals much more slowly than a laceration.

        • Chewy
          Chewy says:

          Haha I’m sure all the scratches raised questions with the wife after your first bit of training. 😉

          I know the feeling. I got a pretty gnarly one this summer that stretched from the back of my neck to my chest.

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